Technical Specifications
VN 1000 dmx
Gezir 1000 dmx
Power Supply
Power Consumption
1,000 W
1,000 W
Output Volume
284 m³/min.
284 m³/min.
Tank Capacity
1.7 liters
2.5 liters
Fluid Consumption
49 min./ liter
24 min./ liter
6.6 kg
9.8 kg
Dimensions (LxWxH)
435 x 200 x 230 mm
370 x 295 x 135 mm
Remote Included
Z-10 Z-10
Optional Remote
Z-40, Z-50
Z-40, Z-50
Warm-up Time
4.5 min.
12 min.
Remote Control Operation
Z-10: 10 meter wired remote controller with 6,3 mm jack plug of VARYTEC Fog Machine models VN 1000
dmx and Gezir 1000 dmx. The red lamp indicates that the unit is receiving power. When the fog machine
has reached operating temperature the green light on this remote control will light up, indicating that the
operator may begin fog emission by pressing the red button. The green light flashes during fog machine
warm-up and re-heating cycles (approx. 1-2 minutes), and stays ON when the machine becomes
operational. The Z-10 features the “toggle switch’’ function: press once for continuous “ON”, press again to
release continuous “ON” function
10 meter wired remote controller with 6,3 mm jack plug for VARYTEC Fog Machine models VN 1000
dmx and Gezir 1000 dmx. Its two knobs allow the operator to customize fog machine functions by adjusting
output duration and interval. Press the yellow TIMER-button to activate the timer function. Adjust the
interval between each fog emission (within the range of 1 second to 250 seconds) by means of the
INTERVAL control knob. Adjust the duration of each fog emission (within the range of 1 to 15 seconds) by
means of the DURATION control knob. When pressed, the green FOG button overrides all other control
functions and activates maximum output. Press the red POWER ON/OFF button for continuous output.
Z-50: Wireless remote controller with 6,3 mm jack plug for VARYTEC Fog Machine models VN 1000 dmx
and Gezir 1000 dmx. A remote operation is possible up to a distance of 50 meters. Keep the red button
pressed for fogging.
Z-10, Z-40, Z-50 Remote Controller