3. M
15 Jan 98
Test Procedures
Tests can be performed on the VL2B/VL2C luminaire by means of
diagnostic EPROMs placed in the luminaire itself or, in the case of the
VL2C luminaire by downloading test software from the console. Both
methods are designed to exercise the luminaire in all functional areas to aid
in troubleshooting. It should be noted that downloaded tests provide for
varying specific parameters (such as speed) for some tests while the
EPROMs have fixed parameters.
3.1.1 EPROM
Test Description
VL2B/VL2C luminaire has the ability to use diagnostic EPROM’s to
aid in troubleshooting. A set of diagnostic EPROMs (labeled “TEST”) is
contained in the system test rack or spares rack. After installation of the
EPROMs on the lamp control PCB (LCB) (refer to EPROM Test Setup
paragraph), the luminaire can perform tests to help determine a faulty
assembly. The tests are activated by setting the thumbwheel address to a
corresponding test position. Thumbwheel
The two least significant digits (ones and tens digits) of the thumbwheel are
defined as the test number. This number is used to select the required test.
The most significant digit (hundreds digit) is defined as the parameter for
the selected test. Not all tests have selectable parameters, but on those that
do, it will alter an aspect of the test. For example, speed of oscillation
during a movement test.
Note: Thumbwheel switches are oriented so readout appears normal when
the luminaire is suspended from a truss with head downward. If the
luminaire is setting on a flat surface instead of hanging, thumbwheel
numbers will appear upside down and the least significant digit will be on
the left.