1. Remove FELIX-1 from sealed pouch.
2. Ensure all connections are secured by pushing on all the
connecting parts: (the adapter to the modified face-tent and
tubing to adapter).
3. If using FELIX-1 with Vapotherm Precision Flow, size the
appropriate Vapotherm cannula for the patient and
place the cannula on the patient’s face.
FELIX-1: Negative Pressure Scavenger Kit
4. Place the modified face-tent on the patient’s face.
a. Ensure the orientation is correct by placing the chin in the area identified as “CHIN.”
5. Place strap over the patient’s head and pull the strap until the modified face-tent is
secure. Do not over-tighten the strap.
6. Connect all appropriate tubing to a suction canister and hospital vacuum system and
initiate suction.
a. Vacuum should generally be set to the highest setting to ensure greatest flow from
FELIX-1 or as clinically required.
7. If using FELIX-1 with Vapotherm Precision Flow, initiate Vapotherm High Velocity Therapy.
Refer to Precision Flow® Instructions for Use.
Intended Use:
The FELIX-1 is a modified face-tent adapted to connect to hospital suction. This preassembled tool,
compatible with Vapotherm’s high velocity therapy, is intended to create a zone of relative negative
pressure around the patient’s nose and mouth, drawing in exhaled particles, which may mitigate the
risk of transmission of potentially infectious particles while treating patients with airborne or droplet-
transmitted infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. This is a single-use device.
General Warnings:
• FELIX-1 is designed to create a zone of negative pressure and flow, and is not intended for
gas delivery.
• FELIX-1 is intended to be used with a filtered vacuum system.
• Set suction pressure according to appropriate clinical need.
• FELIX-1 is not intended to replace the need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or
negative pressure rooms.
FELIX-1 Instructions for Use 3102049-EN REV A