Step 7
Hinge the rudder using the same techniques as with the aileron and elevator.
Step 8
Put the rudder in its neutral position and center the rudder servo. Adjust the length of both rudder
cables to match the distance from the rudder servo arm to the control horn. Use a plier to fix the
length of the cables. Install the cables on both sides of the outer holes of the rudder servo arm and
control horn.
Step 2
Adjust the linkage length until the hole in the ball link aligns with the outer hole in the servo arm
when the aileron is neutral and the servo arm is centered.
Step 3
Attach the ball link to the outer hole in the servo arm
with a screw and nut as shown. Don’t forget to use
Step 4
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the remaining servo in
the opposite wing panel.
Required Parts
• Wing panels
• Fuselage
• Wing tube
Step 1
Check the opening for the wing tube, servo leads and pins from inside of the fuselage where the
wing panels connect to the fuselage. Carefully remove the covering from the opening using a hobby
Step 2
Locate the wing tube and carefully slide it into one wing
panel as deeply as possible. Slide the wing (with tube)
into the wing tube opening in the fuselage. Pass the
servo lead in the wing into the fuselage before the wing
connects to the fuselage. Make sure the wing panel
anti-rotation pins slide into the holes provided in the
Note: It may be necessary to slightly enlarge the holes in the fuselage for the anti-rotation pins
using a small round file.
Section 5 – Wing Installation
Required Parts
• Fuselage
• Rudder
• Tail wheel assembly
Step 1
Install the tiller arm to the bottom of the rudder
with screws.
Step 2
Position the tail wheel in place as shown,
centered on the rear of the fuselage. Using a
felt-tipped pen, mark the positions for the
mounting screws through the tail wheel bracket.
Section 8 – Tail Wheel Installation