Required Parts
• Wing panel (left and right)
• Aileron (left and right)
Step 1
Tape the aileron to the wing. Using a square held in
alignment with the outer hole in the servo arm and
with the trailing edge of the wing, mark the
aileron with a pen where the straight edge intersects
the aileron hinge bevel.
Step 2
Measure rearward 10mm (3/8”) from the top of the
aileron bevel and make another mark using a pen.
The intersection of the line from Step 1 and this line
will be the position for the control horn.
Step 3
Remove the ailerons from the wing. Use rubbing alcohol to remove any tape residue.
Step 4
Carefully drill through the aileron at the marked
position. Be especially careful when penetrating
through the top surface of the aileron, as it’s easy to
split out the wood and rip the covering. Placing a
wooden block under the aileron and drilling slowly
will prevent these problems.
Note: A hardwood block (hard point) is located below the sheeting; you will be drilling through
this. Make sure to drill the hole perpendicular to the centerline of the aileron.
Step 2
Wrap the receiver battery in foam and use rubber
bands or hook and loop straps to secure the battery to
the battery tray.
Step 3
Assemble the fuel tank correctly. Be sure to use the
gas-compatible stopper and fuel tubing.
Step 4
Place foam on the floor of the tank compartment.
Secure the tank in place by wrapping rubber bands or
hook and loop straps around the tank and tank floor.
Later we will run the fuel lines.
Step 5
Locate the hidden switch hatch on the side of the
fuselage and open the hatch. Mount the receiver switch
in the hatch and then close the hatch door.
Required Parts
• Fuselage
• Engine and accessories
This model accepts gas engines ranging from 26 through 35cc. The following steps show the
installation of a 26cc gas engine for your reference. The detailed steps may be different when your
selected engine is different.
R-26 Installation
Step 1
Collect the necessary items for the installation of your particular engine.
Section 11 – Mounting the Engine and
Section 2 – Aileron Control Horn