Unter den Spülschüsseln können in der Schublade der Duschaufsatz und/oder Spülutensilien verstaut wer-
den. Den Duschaufsatz können Sie bei Bedarf mit dem Adapter und den passenden Gummidichtungen
direkt auf den Wasserhahn schrauben. Um den Duschadapter aufschrauben zu können, muss zuerst der
Perlator heruntergeschraubt werden. Achten Sie auf die Gummidichtungen!
Cooker operation
Cheap cartridges often contain poor gas mixtures (air mixtures) which only run
for a short time or not at all.
Buy enough cartridges before your holiday - this will save you money, nerves and
time for the (often longer) search.
To insert/change the cartridge, remove the cooker from the drawer.
Remove the lid of the cartridge. Insert the gas cartridge so that the notch on the valve
points upwards and the metal snap of the cooker is in the notch.
To connect the cartridge, the cooker knob must be set to zero (upwards).
Push the locking lever down so that the cartridge is pressed against the valve.
To ignite the cooker, turn the knob downwards around to the left until it clicks. Click
several times and hold the knob down for a few seconds after ignition (holding may
take up to 15 sec. according to the manufacturer).
Now you can adjust the flame to the desired intensity.
It is possible that there is air in the gas line, e.g. after a long period of standing or after
changing the cartridge. In this case, you must first press the rotary knob for approx. 2
seconds so that the air escapes.
After cooking, lock the gas lever again (push it to the left) and turn the knob back to 0.
This ensures that the remaining gas escapes from the line.
A cartridge normally runs at full power for about 1.25 hours. You can increase the
cooking performance by cooking in the still air or by using the windscreen (VanEssa
Grill attachment
To make cleaning easier, you can pour a little water into the drip tray of the
grill attachment to catch the drippings and grill leftovers.
Do not clean the surface with rough ( scrubbing) sponges so as not to damage
the coating. The grill attachment is dishwasher-safe.
Stow the grill attachment with an expander at the back of the kitchen.
This is already attached to the rear wall (pic. 4).
Pic. 4 | 5: Stowage possibility | grill attachment