the signal is too weak, the process will take much longer and could fail. Data remains in
the unit after a download.
3343 Erase All Data
The only method of deleting data from the unit is to click on the 'Erase All Data' button.
Not even setting the unit factory defaults will erase your data. After erasing all data. the
data is un-recoverable. The process will take up to 30 seconds. Once complete the data
logger remains in an inactive state. To reactivate the data logger, save the data logger
33-44 Parameters per Record/ Overwrite data
Only while the data logger is in the inactive state (erased) can the data logger
configuration be modified. 'Parameters per record' relates to the number of parameters
from the sample cycle that are being recorded. In almost all instances. this should
directly match what has been configured in the selected sensor table. For example. if
the sensor table is configured to take two measurements, the data logger should be
configured to two parameters per record. If ·overwrite oldest data' is checked. and the
data logger is full, it will loop around and start overwriting the oldest data. one record at
a time for each new record. If the data logger is active (not erased) the DataSlave will not
allow you to change these settings.
When the data logger has been erased to begin logging once again. you must check
and save the configu
3345 Receiver power cycling
This feature is available to save battery power. Receiver cycling is used to wake the
DataSlave when you have no physical access to wake the unit by pressing the button
inside. The feature wakes to the receiver to check for messages every few seconds. You
may wish to disable this feature if you are not using the data logger and instead sending
'live· data samples to a DataHub or Gateway, and/or the unit needs no re-configuration.
Please note: if this option is disabled, when the unit returns to low power sleep it will not
respond to the connect request. unless you wake it by pressing the internal push bu
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