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User Manual
© 2016 Excel, part of Van Os Medical UK Ltd. | Excel House | Ashbrooke Park |
Sherburn in Elmet| T: 01977 681 400 | E: [email protected] |
W: www.vanosmedical.nl/en
Thermal rollback
Your power chair is equipped with a safety system. A microprocessor monitors the
temperature of the power chair during use. By excessive heat the controller will
decrease the speed of your power chair. This will result into reducing the load of the
electric system and reducing the temperature of the components. The controller will
automatically set the power chair’s speed back to normal when the operating
temperature returns to normal temperature.
Main circuit breaker
The main circuit breaker is another system of your power chair. This monitors
discharge of the batteries while using the power chair. When the batteries are
heavily discharged the main circuit breaker will be shut down which will stop the
power chair. The main circuit breaker is located next to the battery cover shroud.
Reset button
If the main circuit breaker is shut down wait for approximately one minute and then
push the reset button to reset the main circuit breaker, see picture 26.
Picture 26