Van der Ende Pompen B.V.
Maasambacht 4
2676CW Maasdijk
Installation manual Envalve series VK, VKF and PVK
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Install the Envalve only if there is enough free space around it, a person must be able to operate the button
auto (c) safely. It must be impossible for a person to get stuck between the base plate and
connector shaft or other objects.
The Envalve can be installed in virtually every position, except up side down (drive under the valve), see
also paragraph 4.1.
The Envalve can not be used in an explosive environment.
1.8 Warranty
The warranty is 6 months from commissioning, with a maximum term of 2 years after production.
Commissioning is the installation of an Envalve in an installation.
Parts must be brought to the producer when warranty is claimed.
Warranty expires with one or more of the following terms:
unprofessional use and/or installation;
repeatedly ignoring advice from producer and/or supplier;
reparation, maintenance or use by incompetent or unauthorised persons;
use of incorrect electrical or fluid connections;
use of the machine in an unsuited environment;
intended damaging or modification of the machine.
All these and further warranty terms are in conformation with the METAALUNIEVOORWAARDEN (edition
January 2008).
1.9 CE sign
The CE sign concerns the conformity of the Envalve with the machine, low voltage, EMC and PED directive.
Because it is an unfinished machine, the Envalve cannot comply with all the essential safety precautions, a
list of these can be supplied by the producer.
The CE sign is located on the sticker on the base plate.
According to the low voltage directive, the Envalve is classified as a Class I machine.
1.10 Rest risks
For practical and economic reasons it is impossible to fully cover all the risks for 100%, besides, the risk of
a machine is tightly correlated with the functionality of the installation as a whole. These so called rest
risks are listed in the table below. It is important that the user is aware that, even while we have taken all
possible safety precautions, the use of the Envalve involves certain risks. Follow the prescriptions in this
manual in order to minimize these risks.
Rest risk description
Moving part approaches static object.
When the connector shaft moves to left or to right it
approaches the base plate.
When the Envalve is used while it is not fully installed and
connected, there is a danger of fingers getting stuck.
Risk on fire, if the electrics are not professionally connected,
a risk on short circuit and fire arises.
Table 5. List of rest risks.
The aim is to reduce every risk to a level below 4, but this isn t always possible due to the functionality of
the machine.