1. Fit the 717BPB or 719BPB backing plate to the
shrouds (side brackets) supplied with the fi replace
with two screws per side.
Use the upper hole in the backing plate to fi x
it to the shrouds.
2. Identify the left and right door panels using the
image below.
3. Identify the top and bottom of the left panel. The
notch in the rear fl ange of the panel is at the top.
The space between the rear fl ange and the edge
of the panel is wider at the top than at the bottom
of the panel as shown below.
TOP of door:
this space is
TOP of door:
notch in the
rear flange
Left door panel
BOTTOM of door:
this space is
Rear view
Front view
4. Insert the top pin of the left door panel in the hole
at the top of the left shroud already installed on the
5. Lift the panel as far as possible and insert the
bottom pin in the hole at the bottom of the shroud.
The panel should rotate freely.
6. Install the right door panel the same way.
7. Hook the barrier screen door to the backing plate
as indicated.
Note: The barrier screen door, when hooked to
the backing plate, protrudes slightly in front of
the plate.