Step 3
• A space of 3m x 3m (10’x10 ‘) is required for the calibration of
the engines;
• Trace parallel lines on both sides of the Pro-Feed;
• Go to the menu at “Settings”. Then go to “Advanced Settings”
(enter code 2201). Select “Magnetic Ruler” in the left menu;
• The engine type must be “Black motor”;
• Press “Start Calibration”;
• The Pro-Feed must turn 5 times on itself. Then it is supposed to
end its sequence in parallel position from departure;
• If it is not parallel, it must be pushed manually until it is parrallel
(you should hear the parking break release before pushing it);
• Once this task is done, re-start the calibration. Then, a new
sequence will be in the opposite direction. Apply the same
corrective action, if necessary;
• When this step is done, press again “Start calibration”, an alarm
of 5 sec should be heard.