Valcom Manufacturing Group, Inc.
Sloping Vee Antenna System Manual
Outdoor antennas and lead-in conductors from antenna to building shall
not cross over electric light or power circuits and shall be kept well away
from all such circuits so as to avoid the possibility of accidental contact.
Where proximity to electric light or power service conductors of less than
250 volts can not be avoided, the installation shall be such so as to provide
a clearance of at least 2 feet. Where practical, antenna conductors shall be
installed so as to not cross under electric light or power conductors.
The Sloping Vee antenna is packaged within a series of plastic bags all contained within
a canvas duffel bag. Remove all items from the bags and ensure all items are present and
in good condition. A list of supplied materials is found in Table 3.1.
New Site Preparation
Determine how and where the antenna will be installed. Study all of the illustrations
(Figures 4-1 to 4-8) to determine which installation best fits your individual requirements.
Trees, sides of buildings, utility poles, etc. make good supports. Supports may be
conductive such as a metal pole, but be certain to use insulators to keep the antenna wire
from making contact.
The antenna may be set up in shapes other than those shown, or shortened, with minimal
effect on the bandwidth. However, the radiation efficiency at the lower frequencies will
be reduced somewhat.
For directional applications, the maximum gain of the antenna will generally be in the
direction from the balun to the resistor. When the bearing of the intended receiver is
known, care should be taken to orient the antenna in this direction this is me.