The V-9923B Code Call Unit provides two or
three digit code call paging via a loop start trunk
port on a PABX or by the use of a spare line
button on a key system.
The V-9923B complies with Part 68 of the FCC
Rules and Regulations and has been granted
FCC Registration #BAFUSA-68753-KX-N.
The ringer equivalence is 0.1B and the unit
requires a USOC RJ21X connector.
In accordance with FCC Rules and applicable
tariffs, this code call unit may only be installed
with the authorization of the owner of the host
The FCC Registration #BAFUSA-68753-KX-N
will be listed in the affidavits filed with the
telephone company; it will also be recorded in
the system log kept by installation and
maintenance personnel. The local telephone
company is to be notified of the FCC registration
number when this code call unit is installed.
The V-9923B is capable of providing code
signaling for paging purposes; it provides for
"meet me" answer of code call and provides talk
circuit and signaling tone.
Trunk level access on PABX's, station level
Can be used with 1A2 type key systems
81 two digit codes or 729 three digit codes
Uses rotary or tone dial signaling
Dial tone to calling party
Coded tone output for paging systems
Switch controlled code verification tone
Automatically discontinues code sending
when answered
Capable of being used with another V-9923B
to provide two link operation
Uses standard 1A2 key system voltages
Mounts on the wall, in a key cabinet, or in
the PABX Cabinet
Each V-9923B Code Call Unit provides the
necessary equipment for 1 link of Code Call.
For an additional link of Code Call, another
V-9923B is required (two links maximum).
7.1"H x 5.9"W x 2.1"D
(18.03cm H x 14.99cm W x 5.33cm D)
Power Requirements
Valcom V-9923B requires –24VDC talk battery
and –24VDC signal battery. Below shows
current consumption and voltage range:
"A" Battery
Range: –21.5 to –26VDC
Idle: 0mA
Operating: 65mA
"B" Battery
Range: –21.5 to –26VDC
Idle: 75mA
Operating: 125mA