User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
10 ____________________________________________________________________M210374en-A
the DCout/Switch output is turned ON again and the Battery Status
LED returns to green.
The Battery Status LED is illuminated only while the control terminal
LED ON (X3/7) is connected to ground or the TEST button pushed
down. This is to prevent the LED from discharging the (nearly empty)
battery. On the other hand, observing the Charge LED does not
require pushing any button, since it is lit only, when there is sufficient
charge current available.
The battery system voltage 12 V / 24 V is selected with the jumper J4,
see section Jumper for Battery Voltage Select on page 13. This
selection affects the Low Battery Alarm limit and Deep Discharge
limits only; the charge voltage level is determined by the selection of
the External Voltage Selection Resistor, see section Charge Voltage
Adjustment on page 16.
The DCout ON input (X3/2) controls the DCout/Switch output. With
DCout ON > 2.5 V, the DCout/Switch output is turned on. With
DCout ON < 2 V or floating, the DCout/Switch output is turned OFF.
When no remote control signal is required or available, the DCout ON
terminal should be wire-strapped to the DCout terminal (X2/1) for
enabling the DCout/Switch output. A deep-discharged battery
condition will naturally override this condition and turn the output off.
The QBR101 has a test terminal Vb Meas for the datalogger to
measure the battery voltage. The output level of Vb Meas is between 0
and 2 V. The measuring circuit includes a voltage divider, which
divides the actual battery voltage by 15.35. For example, when the
battery voltage is 12.0 V, the output level of the Vb Meas is 0.78 V.