Vaillant VCW 2O Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание VCW 2O

Страница 1: ...o 47 04403 VCW2511 T3W GC No 47 04405 VCW sine 18T3W GC No 47 O44 01 Centralheating Domestichot water This aoolianceshallbe installedin accordancewiththe relevant Codesof Practiceby BritishGas or by a...

Страница 2: ...lued or in the case d 2 VCW sine room sealed boiler with buifr it 4 instantaneousdomestic hot water heater l Outputratingsare shownin TechnicalDda The boiler is designedfor use in a sealedc open vente...

Страница 3: ...solenoid 10 Fbwthermometer 11 Pumpwithautomaticairvent 12 Pressuregauge a l air vent points Terminalbox Switchboard mainswitch heating switch domestic hot water switch Domesticheatexchanger Flowtherm...

Страница 4: ...ingandaircirculation around the heater The combi boiler may be installed in any room although particular attentionis cjrawnto the requirementsof the l E E Regulationsand in Scotland the electricalprov...

Страница 5: ...a of the flue fittedto the combi boilermust be not lessthan the area of the flue outletof the appliance An adapteris suppliedto allowthefittingof 125mm steelflue pipeor 125mm lightasbestoscementfluepi...

Страница 6: ...from outside cm2 I inr High Level vcw20 1 vcw25 1 VCW sine 280 320 235 42 50 36 5 140 160 120 21 25 18 5 LOW Level vcw20 1 vcw25i1 VCW sine 560 640 235 84 100 36 5 280 320 120 42 50 18 5 Tab 1 Note Bo...

Страница 7: ...should be protected by a sheet of fireproof material In addition a minimumclearanceof 400 mm Fig 3 Alldimensions inmm 16 in must be availableat the front of the appliance to enable the combi boiler t...

Страница 8: ...ribes the installation The walldistance tothe finishedwall of pipe woit toi gas and hbatingsystemis 50mm and 40 mm for domesticwaterPiPework 8 1 Compression union flow of heating svstem z S ervice coc...

Страница 9: ...4 I...

Страница 10: ...up Usethe alternative fixing holes wherenecessary 4 3 2Domesticcold andhot watel connection Flush out all loreign matter from the supply pipe before connectingto the connecting grouP Fit the domestic...

Страница 11: ...doverflow Thepressure reliefvalve required fora sealed system isincluded intotheconnecting group Screw in the overflow 4 below the pressure relief valveintothedrainline Tobeavailableas anoptional extr...

Страница 12: ...alanced flued aPPliance Unoack boiler from carton and remove side Janels asin8 1 1 andpacking aidsaswellas blasticbaps from the connections Fit the flue buct 20 irtitntne 2 sheetmetalscrews 22 to the...

Страница 13: ...otthedraught diverter 24 Adapter 25 Splitsocketconnector 4 7Electrical connections Vaillant combi boilers arecompletelywired ltis onlynecessary to connect theelectrical mains andtheroomthermostat Conn...

Страница 14: ...rmostat RT withaccelerating resistance The room thermostat must De inJiiiteo on an inner wall which is influenced neiinerOvcurrentof air nor by the sun in the livinqrooin Duringthe installation of the...

Страница 15: ...eda wirebridgemustbe insertedbetweenlerminals3 and4 Setthepumpcontrol to position ll VCW Terminal VAILLANT Roomthermostat VBT378 0 RANDALL TimeSwitch 103 Do not link terminal3 6 N Mains L Supply I Fig...

Страница 16: ...TMANN 125 COFONET Time Switch Do not link terminals L a n d 5 N t in L SuPPIY J 2r0v 50H2 3 o Fig 23 VAILLANT Foomlhetmostat vRT 3 78 l O VAILLANT Roomthermostat VRT 378 0 N Mains L SUPPIY 24ovl5oHz B...

Страница 17: ...E 9 6 O E E 9 p 5 9 i E s a l t o l 9 8 8 x t o o o g F p o c o o a o o 3 o o 1 E Y r AI st tt E o o o c a E o a cl c 3 o CD lo o I l I I I b i i...

Страница 18: ...rew I switch box FFD 9 oush button start 10 pilotvalve 11 pushbuttonstop 12 thermo magnet 13 microswitch 14 thermo couple 15 pilotburner 16 sensorof overheatcut offdevice 17 mainheatexcnanger 18 airve...

Страница 19: ...terminal X3 tlo o rn rto i s rrtt 53 micro switcn t 54 micro switcn ll 58 micro switch hotwater 59 watersedlon 60 coldwaterinlel 61 watergovernor 63 hotwateroutlel 3e 3il J3 Y ilvarcr switch 70 elect...

Страница 20: ...HOTWATER B andto BS 5376 2 and BS 5449 1 5 1 1SinglePiPe sYstem The heatemitters are installed on a closed circuit Thenecessary waterquantity forevery heatemitter radiator mustbe ensured This can be...

Страница 21: ...included into the combi bdler 5 6Openventedsystem lf itis required to usethecombiheaterinooen systemsit is possible to do so without anv modification to the combi heater W6 recommend to fittheexpansi...

Страница 22: ...dditional expansion ve ssel cin Oeinstatt6d to thesideconnection of the ieturn servicecock in connectionwith the pressure relief valve 5 7 4FillingandmakeuP The svstemshouldbe filledwithwatervia a seo...

Страница 23: ...fiti untilthe pressuregaugeregisterst s iraiizr S PSI The system shouldbe filledwith water either from a sealedsystemfillerpump with a break La_lK or by a method of filling given in BS 5376 2 appendix...

Страница 24: ...seconos 6 4 5Flowthermostat Checkthe flowthermostat andall automatic Jontiofsareoperating satisfactorily Readjust controls to appropriate settings 6 5Watersoundness Allow the water systemto reach max...

Страница 25: ...nce Tofitthelintarrestor hangitintothefront sideof thelower retaining frame andclipitagainst the appilance 7 2 Side panels Push the 2 side panelsfrom the frontonto the boilerand screwto the upperand l...

Страница 26: indicated in fig 39 ileolacethe thermostatknob 7 4 Front Panel Press the front panel including the grey enameledcentresbctionontothe boiler the 4 boltsengagein the spring bolted supports 7 5 Door T...

Страница 27: ...pointpressureand dateof commissioning wiringdiagram to the inner side of the door as shown on fio 43 8 Servicing of combiboiler Thecombiboilershouldbe serviced at least oncea year A service contract...

Страница 28: ...s A to removecombustion chamber caseas shown infig 45 t 8 1 2 Drainingthe aPPliance fig 44 and 46 Whennecessary theappliancemaybedrained as follows Openairvent 18 fig 46 Drain appliance through draln...

Страница 29: ...en llued appliance Remove bumers by leveringoff burnerbar with a screwdriver Remove thermo couple probe by pulling downwards from pilot assembly so that probe disengaged from circlip Remove pilot asse...

Страница 30: ...eating body especiallyfins carefully with hot waier detergents and brush lf necessary descale with propriety descaling aqent Do not bend the fins lf necessary st raighten carefullywithscrewdriver 8 3...

Страница 31: M i connections and loosenthe screw L i tl tesstotheconnections unscrew ne towerretainingframe 8 4Descaling of domesticheatexchanger 111 l r_etcessarytodescatethedomestic heat excnanger removethe t...

Страница 32: ...x 8 6Maintenance of differential valve Mark and disconnect the two unionsand unscrew thethreeretaining screws Q Ooen differential valve and clean Check dihohraomand replace if necessary Check eaiv rui...

Страница 33: ...pilotflameandadjust withthepilot rate adluster 7 so that there are three seoarate flames lf the flameprofileis one larqe looseflame increase gas rateuntil3 seiarateflames develop asshown infig 60a Rep...

Страница 34: ...screw S removethesparkelectrode and replace with the new electrode Reassemblein reverseorder ensuringthatthe sparkgapfromtheelectrodeto theflameshield is3 m takingcarenotto overtighten thefixing screw...

Страница 35: ...the side 8 14 1 1 Ghange of flowswitch mircoswitches Sorinqoffthe protective cover SG Unscrew S4 or S8 takeotfmicroswitchandremove theAMPplugs Reassemble inreverse order Adjustthe actuatingleveras ou...

Страница 36: ...s follows Turn down the adjustmentnut S10 slowlyuntilmicroswitchclosesthe redto brown circuitandmakeonemorecompleteturndown 8 14 2 2Change of thermostatic element Unscrewthe 3 retainingscrews S11 and...

Страница 37: ...nd puil off the AMp ptugs Dl from the micro switch as weil as the Alrip dugs D2 from the DC solenoid socket Loosen the 2 retaining screws Dg Beassemblein reverseordel Check earth continuity polarity r...

Страница 38: ...8 18 1 1Open flued boiler Take otf connection to main heat exchanger togetherwith the pump as shown on fig 75 Reassemble in reverse order using new washeratthe righthandconnection to themaln heat exc...

Страница 39: 6 i ilioii i fi 3i fi li JJJ i6fi o bytoosenins tnee ieiainiis 8 19 1Batancedflued appliance i Jl J TiH J t il pirot assembrv 8 19 2 Open flued appliance ruy thepitot suppon by unscrewinq the l _r3...

Страница 40: ...e oin Reasemblein reverseorder usino new wasner Checkconnections for gas soundness 8 23Change of switch box lsolatethe appliancefromthe electricalmains Markthe pilotlines disconnect thetubingnuts and...

Страница 41: ...eof FFDPushbuttons t t itch boxasoutlined under 8 23 llm io r ing r ing ffi andpulloutthe push buttontothetront Reassemble inreverse order Check earth continuity polarlry rdi b ln s 4 t3 gKs FoR BRrrr...

Страница 42: ...C1 Remove the four retainingscrews C2 Lift up the switch box and pull out slowly the control box cover complete with the switch board printedcircuitand terminalboard Pull off the multipleplugs from th...

Страница 43: ...ut of the mainheatexchanger Unsciew the2 retaining screws C8 release grommet fromboxandremove cut offdevice Reassemble inreverse order Check earthcontinuity Polarity resistance to earth according to I...

Страница 44: ...onnut W3 movetheexpansion vesselupandtakeit off Reassemble in reverseorder takingcare thattheexpansion vesseliscorrectly fixedinto the2 supports Usenewwasher ifnecessary 8 33 3Heatingsystembalancedflu...

Страница 45: ...connectthe tubing nut U1 ot the control lineand removethe fixingnut U2 Reassemblein reverseorder 8 36Changeol systembYPass Closeoff flow and returnservicecocksand drain boiler asoutlined in8 1 2 t Uns...

Страница 46: ...d lightPilot rsgas pressure available Can Pilotbe lit De aeratePilotGas Pipeby unscrewing PilotAdlustmdnt Screw ls Pilot Gas Pipe de aerated Check orclean if necessary Pilot Gas Filter andPilot Jet Ch...

Страница 47: ...DaesPitot Flame re main Releas green button afterabout 10seconds z Adiustment otPilotFlame and Themocouple GheckThermocouple Vohage min 15 mV DC Opencircuit Voltage satisfactory...

Страница 48: ...On completionof the service faultfinding task which has requiredthe breakingand remakirtgof electricalconnectionsthen the checks A EarthContinuity C Polarityand D Resistanceto Earth must be repeated P...

Страница 49: ...oithe control box unscrew the cover of the terminal box unscrew upper part ot control box 2 screws and press it a little bit upwards unscret vknob of boiler thermostat unscrew front panel ot control b...

Страница 50: ...stem Do notuse domestichotWater switchfor domestichotwaterremainsin PositionZl PushHeatingSwitch intopositionl ls voltage 240 V AC trom Switchgive light Can Pilotbe Iit ls Overheal CufOfi Device of Ov...

Страница 51: ...rrectly r siti cned Ref note4 Note 2 For re s tting press the black rubber butlon on right hand side of control box behindthe terminal box Note 3 For this purpose open the control box as describ d in...

Страница 52: ...nectionon DC solenoidto blackFFD connections Reolace MicroSwitchif faultyRet to note8 Re itconnection to NTCprobe Hasfuseon Electronic P C B Replace0 25Amp fuse Replacetaulty ElectronicP C B Ref to no...

Страница 53: checkthe fine wire tuse of the eleitronic lf necessary replace it Attach plugs A and B again and re assemble control box 9 For this purpose open control box as described in f fotef Pull off the mu...

Страница 54: ...Main Switchgive 1 light SetSwitch for Domestic HotWater toposition I Device Ret to note2 and checkconnections n if no voltaqe240 V fromlermin l 5 to 4 CheckMicroSwitchM1 by drawinghotwater MicroSwitc...

Страница 55: ...sheet 4 Note 2 Thetunction summei isonlycontrolled by the microswitch M1oltheflowswitch Duringdomestic hott t iiiii JtioiiinJi6itlct iugmustoperate themicroswitch Ml close lfthe microswitchisnotopera...

Страница 56: ...and the movement of the switch Dinof the water section can be observed Ooen the warm water tap With a water flow quantity ol approx 1 l min the switch pin must move and operate the micro switch via th...

Страница 57: ...t water iap Diaphragm Dinof waler seclion has to move up anddown Draw otf one l min and Pin hasto be in upper positjon lf not clean Water Sedion according seruicing instructions Ref to note 14 Switch...

Страница 58: ...ING DIFEPRESSSWITCH SWITCH DOM HOTWATER 412 br FLOWSWITCH A1 to A12 81 to 811 E1 to E12 T 2 t o T s bkl to bks MultiplugA MultiplugB MultiplugElectronic SinglePlug onElectronic Terminals BlackWirewith...

Страница 59: ...vEffi iii M FLOWSWITCH NTC_RESISTOF OVERHEAT CUT OFF DEVICE I z cc F o U J Fig 99 i o 59...

Страница 60: ...Fig 100 12 11 E 3 9 9 Fig 103 o 60 Fig 105...

Страница 61: ...0 262356 10 1363 262494 10 1002 263906 10 1008 262907 13 0132 262489 07 0334 08 6165 263986 09 1008 263987 14 3935 14 0012 06 1704 18 1001 07 3965 07 3966 vcw 20 vcw 25 VCW 20 VCW sine 18 vcw 25 VCW 2...

Страница 62: ...capacity of heating system cold1 forsealedsystem 260 57 2 l lmp Gal Maximum water pressure Minimumstatichead for open heatingsystem 1O 142J 0 1 5 2 1 3 bar P S l bar P S l Minimumwaterpressure for do...
