RoboSHOT HD Cameras
RoboSHOT HD Cameras - Document Number 342-0795 Rev A
Page 14 of 44
IR Remote Commander
The following functions are accessible with the Vaddio IR remote:
Camera Power On/Off (Toggle on/off same button)
Back Light Compensation (Toggle on/off same button)
Data Screen: Toggle on/off the OSD for the RoboSHOT’s IP/MAC Address
Camera Select (the remote can operate 3 cameras (with 3-IR Freq.)
Pan/Tilt and Home controls with Reverse and Std. Pan direction
Auto Focus (Toggle on/off same button)
Zoom In/Out controls Wide & Telephoto
Fast speed controls (W & T)
Slow speed controls (W & T)
Manual Focus On/Off control (Toggle on/off same button)
Near (-) adjustment
Far (+) adjustment
Six (6) pan/tilt/zoom positioning presets (1 through 6)
Preset Set (store)
Preset Reset (clear)
Red LED that indicates IR Transmission and battery level
The IR Remote operational characteristics are as follows:
Preset Activation:
IR Remote is limited to executing Presets 1 through 6
Tri-Sync Speed on Preset
: If a global Tri-Sync speed is stored in the preset by the user/admin, then that
speed is used. If no Tri-Sync speed is assigned, then a default (medium) speed will be used.
Preset Store:
IR Remote is limited to positional (PTZ) type presets. To set a preset, position the camera,
hold down the Preset Button and touch the one of the preset numbered buttons 1 through 6.
Telnet Control
The following
Telnet commands are available through the Ethernet Port.
Camera Pan (left, right and speed - real-time operation)
Camera Tilt (up, down and speed - real-time operation)
Camera Zoom (zoom in/out/stop and speed - real-time operation)
Camera Store Preset (Gets or Sets 12 presets with global relative PTZ [Tri-Sync] speed control to destination)
Camera Image (Gets or sets current image control values, sets in 1 of 3 CCU presets)
(AWB or manual w/Red and Blue gain, BLC on/off, Auto Iris or manual with Iris value and Gain, Detail and Chroma)
Camera Sleep (Gets or sets standby power mode - camera has to us less power in this mode)
Exit (ends Telnet session)
Help (displays CLISH syntax)
History (command history)
Network Ping (send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts)
Network Settings (Gets MAC address, IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and NTP server address)
Network (Gets the current network settings or pings an IP address)
Streaming Mode -
USB or IP needs to be changed to USB and IP
(get and set streaming modes, on/off)
Streaming Quality (gets/sets high/standard/low for IP)
Streaming Resolution (gets/sets streaming resolution)
Streaming (gets/sets current streaming settings)
System Factory Reset
Version (system version information)
Please see the full Telnet command list at the end of this manual
IR Remote