Installation on Motorbike
DVR Installation Diagram
Installation Notes
(a) Please install this device with the help of professional technician
to avoid damaging your vehicle.
(b) For installation by none-technician, please use tapes instead of
boring tools to avoid damaging the electrical and gasoline system.
(c) For safety, switch off ignition before installation, and please keep
away from gasoline pipeline and tank.
(d) Before inserting wires through holes, temporarily wrap the terminal
with tape to prevent bad connection from accumulated dirt or debris.
(e) Tightly seal all electrical connection with tape to prevent loose
connection or leak leaking to the connection.
(f) Connect the power behind the key ignition and fuse (not directly
to the vehicle battery) to avoid depleting the battery.
(g) The device should be fixed to the vehicle. Tumbling inside the
storage trunk will damage the device.
(h) GPS positioning accuracy may be affected by the installation
position, sun-screen or weather condition.
(a) DVR & OBS (Optional) are waterproof, but it cannot be soaked in
water. Suggest install DVR in truck and OBD at the place where is
easy to see.
(b) Some of cars might have electromagnetic interference problems,
might effected DVR ‘s recording and Video image.
(c) Wipe and clean the connector by alcohol, avoid any single error or
video lost.
(d) Not all the SD card can be read by DVR, if the SD card cannot be
read after format / restore. Please change other brand’s SD card
and try it again.
(e) DVR will be power consumption when standby, therefore please
take off power supply if not going to use DVR for long period.
And date & time need adjustment when it is connect again.
(f) If the SD card is not format by Vacron Player, DVR will automatically
clean all memory inside also format it. Some DVR might not
recording if the SD card is not been format.
(g) Software updates and renew, there will not be further notice.
(h) All memory disk & SD card have limited lifespan. Please regularly
watch videos on PC and check memory disk to ensure proper
(i) Through huge impact or shock, might damage disk or SD’s
memory. Therefore suggest backup data regularly.
(j) When even happened, pleas teak off the SD card and lock it, to
avoid overwrite. Before install the camera, for safety please
make sure power switch is off
(Example Only)
Car Camera
Motorbike ACC ON
1. Method:Connect to battery, set
up the switch. Independent power
2.Method:Connect to Motorbike
power supply (ACC ON), when engine
is on turn on automatically.
1. Method
2. Method
Power on/off
Vehicle DVR
WiFi Connection
APP Player
1. Visit Google Play store and search for
”VacronPlayer ”and download.
2. Turn on WLAN name「SSID」,password
3. Run APP ”VacronPlayer”, click “Device list”
then “Add”, key in a preferred device name.
4. Click on device name and choose “All Channel”
to see LIVE VIEW
5. Function: Live view image shot, Live recording,
Video playback, Video backup.
(1). There might be video transmission delay due to wireless
(2). Remote playback video file only available for SD card record
without overwriting
(3). Please remember to restore WiFi setting to external network
after using Vacron Player.
(4). It is recommended to check regularly with the use of the Laptop
player to play the video. Make sure the video system maintain
normal operations if OBD is not installed.
PC player
Google Map / File list
Speed display
Play speed
Play speed
Operation control
Volume control