www.VacMasterFresh.com • 800-821-7849
Vacuum Package Chamber Pouches
For best results use VacMaster
chamber vacuum pouches with
your VacMaster
VP112S Vacuum Sealer:
1. Choose a suitable-sized vacuum packaging pouch, and place
the item(s) inside.
2. Allow at least 3” of head space between the contents and the
top of the pouch.
3. Using the lid lift handles, open the machine lid.
4. Open the vacuum pouch clamp.
5. Place the vacuum pouch inside the chamber with the open end
of the pouch across the seal bar.
6. Insert open end of pouch
into the pouch clamp.
Once in position, press
the clamp down firmly.
The pouch clamp will
assist in keeping the
pouch in place during the
vacuum sealing process.
7. To ensure a complete seal
make sure the pouch is
flat across the seal bar,
smoothing out any wrinkles.
8. Using the lid lift handles, close the lid.
9. Make the following control panel adjustments:
a. Power: Turn machine “ON”
b. Vaccum Level: Set vacuum level to “MAX” level (29.3hg).
NOTE: This is the most common setting. To adjust vacuum pressure down,
press Vacuum Level to lower setting.
c. Seal Time: Set seal time to 4.
NOTE: This is the most common setting. If seal is incomplete or sealing thicker
pouches, increase seal time in 0.5 second increments.
10. Press the “Start” button to begin the vacuum process. Press
and hold down the lid until the vacuum engages.
11. Once the the pouch is sealed, the machine will “beep” to signal
the process is complete.