Without adhesive, test-fit the Hull to
the Deck. Check the finished edge of
the deck for any uneven areas and
sand them mooth.
Apply a bead of sealant filling the
underside of the Deck Flange. The
sealant will have a triangular cross-
section. Fill the bow groove.
Only gentle pressure is needed to hold
the Hull to the Deck. Have a small folded
towel to use later when gluing the two
together as shown below.
Make sure there is no high spot in the
towel or pillow at the Hatch opening.
You can instead use Masking Tape to
hold the deck to the hull while the
sealant cures.
The “Plastic Only” kit is completed
and ready for hardware installation.
Additional instructions include
standard Vac-U-Cracker hardware
you can use as a guide for your own.
Set the Hull onto the Deck at the Stern
first, then rotate the Deck down at the
bow, as you help the Hull sides slip
into the Deck flange where the sealant
is applied. Let this fully cure.
Support the deck, upside-down, on a
pillow or stack of towels to support it
evenly along its perimeter.
Test fit the Hull to the Deck. Check the
finished edge of the deck for any uneven
areas and sand them mooth.
A sealant or RTV gasket maker will
give a flexible joint. “Pinch-sand” the
top edge of the Hull to roughen it.
Sand the underside of the deck and the top of
its reinforcement. Apply filled epoxy. Clamp in
place with six clothes pins as shown. Check the
groove to make sure it is even left and right.
Sand the inside corner of the underside
of the Deck. Roughening the surfaces
will help bond the sealant to them.
CA the Air Cleaner in place. In the next
step #47, the precut bow reinforcement is
touching the deck opening.
Align the clothes pins like this. This
will result in an even groove around
the bow for the hull.