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Prior to proceeding with installation, it is essential the 

instructions be read in full, since they contain important 
information regarding safety, installation, use and 


EN 60204-1, EN 12453, EN 13241-1, EN 12635

•  The installer must provide for a device (es. magnetotermical 

switch) ensuring the omnipolar sectioning of the equipment 
from the power supply. The standards require a separation of 
the contacts of at least 3 mm in each pole (EN 60335-1).

•  The plastic case has an IP44 insulation; to connect flexible or 

rigid pipes, use pipefittings having the same insulation level. 

•  Installation requires mechanical and electrical skills, therefore it 

shall be carried out by qualified personnel only, who can issue 
the Compliance Certificate concerning the whole installation 
(Machine Directive 2006/42/CEE, Annex IIA).

•  Also the automation upstream electric system shall 

comply with the laws and rules in force and be carried out 

•  We recommend to make use of an emergency button, to be 

installed by the automation (connected to the control unit 
STOP input) so that the gate may be immediately stopped in 
case of danger.

•  For correct installation of the system, we recommend 

following the instructions issued by UNAC very carefully.

•  This instruction manual is only for qualified technicians, who 

specialize in installations and automations.

•  The contents of this instruction manual do not concern the 

end user.

•  Every programming and/or every maintenance service should 

be done only by qualified technicians.

•  Anything not expressly described in these instructions is 

prohibited; unforeseen uses may be a source of danger to 
people and property.

•  Do not install the product in explosive environments and 

atmospheres: the presence of inflammable gases or fumes is a 
serious safety hazard.

•  Do not make any modifications to any part of the automation 

device, or the accessories connected to it, unless described in 
this manual.

•  Any other modifications will void the warranty on the product.
•  The installation steps should be conducted so as to avoid rainy 

weather, which can expose electronic circuits to dangerous 
water seepage.

•  All operations requiring the casing of the device to opened 

should be performed with the control unit disconnected from 
the electricity supply and with a warning notice displayed, for 

•  Avoid exposing the device close to sources of heat and flame. 
•  In the event of interventions on automatic or differential 

breakers or fuses, it is essential that faults be identified and 
resolved prior to resetting. In the case of faults that cannot 
be resolved using the information to be found in this manual, 
consult the V2 customer assistance service.

•  V2 declines all responsibility for failure to comply with good 

construction practice standards in addition to structural 
deformation of the gate that might occur during use.

•  V2 reserves the right to make modifications to the product 

without prior warning.

•  Installation/maintenance personnel should wear individual 

protection devices (IPDs), such as overalls, safety helmets, 
boots and gloves.

•  The ambient operating temperature should be that indicated 

in the technical characteristics table. 

•  The automation device should be shut down immediately in 

the event of any anomalous or hazardous situation; the fault 
or malfunction should be immediately reported to the person 

•  All safety and hazard warnings on the machinery and 

equipment should be complied with.

•  Electromechanical actuators for gates are not intended to be 

used by people (including children) with diminished physical, 
sensory or mental capacity, or lacking in experience or 
knowledge, unless they are under supervision or have been 
instructed in use of the actuator by a person responsible for 

V2 has the right to modify the product without previous 
notice; it also declines any responsibility to damage or 
injury to people or things caused by improper use or wrong 


As for the installation operations, even at the end of this product’s 
life span, the dismantling operations must be carried out by 
qualified experts.

This product is made up of various types of materials: some can be 
recycled while others need to be disposed of. Find out about the 
recycling or disposal systems envisaged by your local regulations 
for this product category.


 – Parts of the product could contain pollutants or 

hazardous substances which, if released into the environment, 
could cause harmful effects to the environment itself as well as to 
human health.

As indicated by the symbol opposite, throwing away this product 
as domestic waste is strictly forbidden. So dispose of it as 
differentiated waste, in accordance with your local regulations, 
or return the product to the retailer when you purchase a new 
equivalent product.


 – the local applicable regulations may envisage heavy 

sanctions in the event of illegal disposal of this product.


For any installation problem please contact our Customer Service 
at the 39-0172.812411 operating Monday to Friday 
from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

Содержание STARK6


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Страница 3: ...sario individuare ed eliminare il guasto Nel caso di guasto non risolvibile facendo uso delle informazioni riportate nel presente manuale interpellare il servizio di assistenza V2 V2 declina qualsiasi...

Страница 4: ...ccesso di un supermercato o di un ufficio o di un ospedale PROTEZIONE A La chiusura viene attivata tramite un pulsante di comando con la persona presente cio ad azione mantenuta PROTEZIONE B La chiusu...

Страница 5: ...014 35 UE Direttiva compatibilit elettromagnetica 2014 30 UE Direttiva RoHS2 2011 65 CE La documentazione tecnica a disposizione dell autorit competente su motivata richiesta presso V2 S p A Corso Pri...

Страница 6: ...striale mATTENZIONE Qualsiasi altro uso diverso da quello descritto e in condizioni ambientali diverse da quelle riportate in questo manuale da considerarsi improprio e vietato Il prodotto un motoridu...

Страница 7: ...i da 20 a 30 metri Alimentazione 230V 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentazione motore 24V 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentazione motore 230V 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 2...

Страница 8: ...issero rispettate le quote di installazione delle staffe l automazione potrebbe presentare mal funzionamenti quali Andamenti ciclici e accelerazioni in alcuni punti della corsa Rumorosit del motore ac...

Страница 9: ...a staffa utilizzando tasselli viti e rondelle opportune non in dotazione INSTALLAZIONE DELLA STAFFA DI FISSAGGIO ANTERIORE 1 La staffa anteriore deve essere fissata all anta del cancello rispettando l...

Страница 10: asse tra loro fig 5 5 5 2 Fissare il motoriduttore alla staffa come mostrato in fig 6 utilizzando la vite la rondella e il dado in dotazione 3 Avvitare completamente il dado e poi svitarlo di circa...

Страница 11: ...ico risulta visibile e allentare la vite stessa fig 10 4 Portare manualmente l anta nella posizione desiderata in apertura 5 Quindi portare il fermo meccanico in battuta del perno e bloccare la vite f...

Страница 12: ...te 1 Togliere il coperchio al motoriduttore come mostrato in fig 13 1 2 2 Allentare il passacavo del motoriduttore e inserire nel suo foro i cavi di collegamento fig 14 1 2 3 Collegare i vari fili e i...

Страница 13: ...In the event of interventions on automatic or differential breakers or fuses it is essential that faults be identified and resolved prior to resetting In the case of faults that cannot be resolved usi...

Страница 14: ...ple the access gate to a supermarket or an office or a hospital PROTECTION A Closure is activated by means of a control button with the person present i e with maintained action PROTECTION B With the...

Страница 15: ...llowing Directives Machinery Directive 2006 42 EC annex I chapter 1 Low Voltage Directive 2014 35 EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014 30 EU Directive ROHS2 2011 65 CE The relevant technica...

Страница 16: ...d unblocking the gear motor manually Fig 1 shows all the components provided in the package a electromechanical gear motor b front bracket and plate for fixing the gear motor to the gate leaf c rear b...

Страница 17: ...30 metres Power supply 230V 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 24V motor power supply 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 24V motor power supply 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Photocel...

Страница 18: ...comply with the bracket installation distances may lead to automation operation faults such as Cyclical movements and accelerations at some positions of the stroke Increased motor noise Limited openi...

Страница 19: in place using suitable plugs screws and washers not supplied INSTALLATION OF THE FRONT FIXING BRACKET 1 For the installation of the front bracket to the gate leaf refer to distance D fig 2 2 Defin...

Страница 20: ...o brackets 5 5 5 2 Secure the gearmotor to the bracket as shown in fig 6 using the screw washer and nut supplied 3 Fully tighten the nut and then loosen it again by approximately 1 10 of a turn to all...

Страница 21: ...hanical stop screw is visible loosen the screw fig 10 4 Manually move the gate leaf to the desired open position 5 Move the mechanical stop against the pin and tighten the screw fig 11 6 Now repeat th...

Страница 22: ...s follows 1 Remove the lid of the gear motor as shown in fig 13 1 2 2 Loosen the cableway of the gear motor and insert the connecting cables inside it fig 14 1 2 3 Connect the various wires and ground...

Страница 23: ...sur interrupteurs automatiques diff rentiels ou fusibles il est n cessaire de d terminer et d liminer la panne avant de proc der au r tablissement En cas de panne ne pouvant tre r solue en utilisant...

Страница 24: ...h pital PROTECTION A La fermeture est activ e l aide d un bouton de commande avec la personne pr sente il s agit d une action pr voyant le maintien enfonc du bouton PROTECTION B La fermeture est acti...

Страница 25: ...patibilit lectromagn tique 2014 30 UE Directive ROHS2 2011 65 CE La documentation technique est disposition de l autorit comp tente sur demande motiv e l adresse suivante V2 S p A Corso Principi di Pi...

Страница 26: ...qu e ou dans des conditions ambiantes diff rentes de celles signal es dans cette notice sera consid r e comme inad quate et de ce fait interdite Le produit est un motor ducteur lectrom canique quip d...

Страница 27: ...0 30 m tres Alimentation 230V 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentation moteur 24V 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentation moteur 230V 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 2 5 mm2 Phot...

Страница 28: ne respectez pas les cotes d installation des triers l automatisation risque de pr senter des mauvais fonctionnements tels que Evolutions cycliques et acc l rations dans certains points de la cours...

Страница 29: ...lles de vis et de rondelles appropri es pas fournies INSTALLATION DE L TRIER DE FIXATION AVANT 1 L trier avant doit tre fix sur le vantail du portail en respectant la cote D fig 2 2 Etablissez la haut...

Страница 30: ...e fig 5 5 5 2 Fixez le motor ducteur sur l trier de la fa on illustr e par la fig 6 l aide de la vis de la rondelle et de l crou fournis 3 Vissez compl tement l crou et d vissez le ensuite d environ 1...

Страница 31: ...canique soit visible et d vissez cette derni re fig 10 4 Amenez manuellement le vantail dans la position voulue l ouverture 5 Amenez ensuite la but e m canique contre le pivot et vissez la vis fig 11...

Страница 32: ...vante 1 Enlevez le couvercle du motor ducteur voir fig 13 1 2 2 Desserrez le passe c ble du motor ducteur et introduisez dans son trou les c bles de branchement fig 14 1 2 3 Branchez les diff rents fi...

Страница 33: y eliminar la aver a En el caso de aver a que no sean posibles solucionar haciendo uso de la informaci n contenida en el presente manual llame al servicio de asistencia de V2 V2 declina cualquier r...

Страница 34: ...o Por ejemplo la puerta de acceso de un supermercado o de una oficina o de un hospital PROTECCI N A El cierre es activado mediante un bot n de mando con la persona presente es decir con acci n manteni...

Страница 35: ...35 UE Directiva de compatibilidad electromagn tica 2014 30 UE Directiva ROHS2 2011 65 CE La documentaci n t cnica est a disposici n de la autoridad competente bajo petici n fundada en V2 S p A Corso P...

Страница 36: ...almente el motorreductor La Fig 1 muestra todos los componentes presentes en el paquete a motorreductor electromec nico b brida anterior y placa para la fijaci n del motorreductor a la hoja de la puer...

Страница 37: ...20 a 30 metros Alimentaci n 230V 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentaci n motor 24V 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Alimentaci n motor 230V 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 2 5 mm2 Fo...

Страница 38: ...petaran las cotas de instalaci n de los soportes la automatizaci n podr a presentar fallas de funcionamientos tales como Evoluci n c clica y aceleraciones en algunos puntos de la carrera Ruido acentua...

Страница 39: ...te utilizando tacos tornillos y arandelas adecuados no incluidos INSTALACI N DEL SOPORTE DE FIJACI N DELANTERO 1 El soporte delantero se debe fijar a la hoja de la cancela respetando la cota D fig 2 2...

Страница 40: ...ntre s fig 5 5 5 2 Fijar el motorreductor al soporte como se muestra en la fig 6 utilizando el tornillo la arandela y la tuerca incluidos 3 Enroscar completamente la tuerca y luego separarla 1 10 de v...

Страница 41: ...tope mec nico sea visible y aflojarlo fig 10 4 Llevar manualmente la hoja a la posici n deseada en apertura 5 Despu s llevar el tope mec nico hasta el final de carrera del perno y bloquear el tornill...

Страница 42: ...tapa del motorreductor como se muestra en la fig 13 1 2 2 Afloje el sujeta cables del motorreductor e introduzca en su agujero los cables de conexi n fig 14 1 2 3 Conecte los diferentes hilos y el cab...

Страница 43: ...entialschalter oder Sicherungen ausgel st werden muss vor deren Wiederherstellung der Schaden gesucht und behoben werden Im Fall eines nach Konsultation des vorliegenden Handbuchs nicht behebbaren Sch...

Страница 44: ...hem Boden befindet Ein Beispiel sind die Zugangstore zu einem Supermarkt einer Beh rde oder einem Krankenhaus SCHUTZ A Das Schlie en wird mittels Druckknopfbefehl durch die anwesende Person aktiviert...

Страница 45: ...ichkeit 2014 30 EG Richtlinie ROHS2 2011 65 CE Die technische Dokumentation steht den zust ndigen Beh rden auf begr ndete Anfrage zur Verf gung bei V2 S p A Corso Principi di Piemonte 65 12035 Racconi...

Страница 46: ...obei der Antrieb manuell freizugeben ist Abb 1 zeigt alle in der Verpackung enthaltenen Bauteile je nach gew hltem Modell a elektromechanischer Getriebemotor b vorderer B gel und Befestigungsplatte zu...

Страница 47: ...3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 Alimenta o el trica motore 230V 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 2 5 mm2 Spannungsversorgung Antriebe 24V 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Fotozellen TX 2 x...

Страница 48: ...e Installationsquoten der B gel nicht eingehalten werden k nnten die folgenden Funktionsst rungen der Automatisierung auftreten zyklische Verl ufe und Beschleunigungen an einigen Punkten des Bewegungs...

Страница 49: ...n diesem Punkt den B gel unter Verwendung geeigneter D bel Schrauben und D bel nicht mitgeliefert INSTALLATION DES VORDEREN BEFESTIGUNGSB GELS 1 Der vordere B gel muss am Torfl gel unter Beachtung der...

Страница 50: ...en Getriebemotor unter Verwendung der mitgelieferten Schraube der Scheibe und der Mutter am B gel wie gezeigt auf Abb 6 3 Schrauben Sie die Mutter vollst ndig auf und l sen Sie sie dann um ca 1 10 Umd...

Страница 51: ...0 4 Bringen Sie den Torfl gel von Hand in die gew nschte ge ffnete Position 5 Bringen Sie dann den Stoppermechanismus in Anschlag mit dem Bolzen und blockieren Sie die Schraube Abb 11 6 Wiederholen Si...

Страница 52: ...centrale di comando procedere nel modo seguente 1 Die Abdeckung des Antriebs entfernen wie in Abb 13 gezeigt 1 2 2 Den Kabeldurchgang des Antriebs lockern und die Anschlusskabel in das Loch einf hren...

Страница 53: ...ONDERHOUD IN UITVOERING Vermijd het om het automatisme bloot te stellen aan warmtebronnen en vuur Wanneer automatische of differentieelschakelaars of zekeringen in werking treden is het noodzakelijk o...

Страница 54: ...ngeacht wie kan de geautomatiseerde sluiting gebruiken die zich dus op openbare grond bevindt Bijvoorbeeld de toegangspoort van een supermarkt of een kantoor of ziekenhuis BESCHERMING A De sluiting wo...

Страница 55: ...t 2014 30 EG Richtlijn ROHS2 2011 65 CE De technische documentatie staat ter beschikking van de competente autoriteit in navolging van een gemotiveerd verzoek dat ingediend wordt bij V2 S p A Corso Pr...

Страница 56: ...el voor woningen als voor industri le gebouwen mAANDACHT Elk ander gebruik of onder andere omgevingsomstandigheden dan aangegeven in deze handleiding moet als oneigenlijk en verboden worden beschouwd...

Страница 57: ...10 20 m ter 20 30 m ter T pegys g 230V 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 1 5 mm2 3G x 2 5 mm2 Motor t pegys g 230V 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 1 5 mm2 2G x 2 5 mm2 Motor t pegys g 24V 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 1 5 mm2 4G x 2 5 mm2 Fot...

Страница 58: ...oten der B gel nicht eingehalten werden k nnten die folgenden Funktionsst rungen der Automatisierung auftreten zyklische Verl ufe und Beschleunigungen an einigen Punkten des Bewegungswegs Ger uschentw...

Страница 59: ...gel bevestigen met behulp van geschikte pluggen schroeven en sluitringen niet meegeleverd INSTALLATIE VAN DE VOORSTE BEVESTIGINGSBEUGEL 1 Voor de bevestiging van de voorste beugel aan de hekvleugel mo...

Страница 60: ...5 5 2 Bevestig de reductiemotor aan de beugel zoals getoond op afb 6 met behulp van de meegeleverde schroef sluitring en moer 3 Draai de moer volledig vast en draai ze daarna ongeveer 1 10 draadgange...

Страница 61: ...e mechanische aanslag zichtbaar is en draai ze los afb 10 4 Breng de vleugel handmatig in de gewenste openingspositie 5 Zet vervolgens de mechanische aanslag tegen de pen en blokkeer de schroef afb 11...

Страница 62: volgende doen 1 Verwijder het deksel van de reductiemotor zoals aangeduid op afb 13 1 2 2 Maak de kabelgeleider van de reductiemotor los en steek er de verbindingskabels in afb 14 1 2 3 Sluit de ve...

Страница 63: ......

Страница 64: ...V2 S p A Corso Principi di Piemonte 65 67 12035 RACCONIGI CN ITALY Tel 39 0172 812411 Fax 39 0172 84050 info v2home com www v2home com...
