When charging your battery for the first time leave it connected for an hour or 2 after
the indicator light says your battery is fully charged. Do not short charge your battery…
always give a full charge when it needs charging. We do not recommend carrying
the e-cig in your pocket as tiny fabric particles can enter the battery. We also do not
recommend that you leave it in direct sunlight or heat. Getting it wet will reduce the
lifespan of the battery and is one the major causes of battery failure.
We do not recommend allowing the battery to fully drain of charge before recharging…
they charge better when they still have some power left.
Leaving the cartomisers attached to the battery when you are not using it drains the battery
of power. We recommend taking the cartridge off the battery when you are not vaping.
A battery may seem like a simple piece of equipment, but it’s very sensitive. Electric
cigarettes are designed to be used at room temperature, and must be kept in a dry
place. It’s important to keep the electric cigarette batteries out of direct sunlight and heat
as this can drastically reduce their life span.
How many people have ruined cell phones because they dropped them in water?
Batteries can also be adversely impacted by coming into contact with water. Batteries
can also be damaged by impact, so try and keep your e cigarettes safe from falling by
connecting them to a lanyard or using a padded case.
Keep it Clean
To ensure your battery’s long life, the threads that connect
it to the cartomisers need to be clean and free of dirt and
dust. Dust and other particles can build up on the threads,
causing the electronic cigarette to not work properly. You can use a cotton swab and
some alcohol to clean it or simply wipe down the threads. Follow these steps, and you’re
sure to be puffing away for a long time!
If you have questions, feel free to contact our knowledgeable customer service
department on +44 (0) 1733 555 555.
For more information about V2 Cigs, visit our website.
There, you’ll find a complete list of products, including several types of batteries,
chargers and carrying cases.
Q: Battery does not respond to charging
Check the threading of the battery and female connector on the charging cord/
express charger. It may have nicotine residue build-up which is causing poor contact
between the battery and the charger.
Rule out if the issue is with the battery or the charger by trying to charge a different
battery or a second charger, if available.
To clean the threading, use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab or cloth.
Q: My battery does not last the duration of a cartridge
This is a common misconception; depending on the length and age of the battery
and your style of vaping, the shorty battery may not last the duration of a fresh cartridge.
Standard and long batteries should last longer than a cartridge.
Reference your user manual for battery expectations, based to puffs.
Manual batteries will not last as long as the automatic batteries, due to the manipulation
of the batteries button, which creates more vapour in exchange for battery life.
Before you decide to start filling your
own cartridges, some E-Liquids contain nicotine
and nicotine can be absorbed through the skin
and cause irritation.
Also, if left uncovered and unattended, E-Liquid can be dangerous if ingested by small
animals or children and should be treated appropriately!
E-Liquid should
never be ingested
and should always be stored with the bottle sealed
tightly away from where curious kids can get to it!
How Many Times Can a V2 Cartridge Be Refilled?
It really depends on a number of factors such as the type of E-Liquid and personal style.
The company now carries two types of blank cartridges:
E-Liquid Ex Blanks and V2 Blanks
The V2 Blanks are only recommended to be refilled up to 5 times, while the V2 Liquid
Ex Blanks can be refilled up to 20 times. A good technique to extend the life of your
cartridges is to never let them completely dry out.
Once dry, the cartridge can taste horrible. Once a cartridge does have a burnt taste, it
should no longer be used.
Step 1 -
Remove the end cap from the cartridge by inserting something small like a
toothpick, paperclip, or tweezers into the small centre hole. Then pry the cap off. Ensure
you have already disconnected the battery!
Step 2 -
Attach a V2 Drip Tip to the mouthpiece end of the cartridge.
Step 3 -
Drop the E-Liquid directly into the drip tip hole.
Step 4 -
Remove the drip tip and allow the E-Liquid to fully absorb for 20 minutes.
Some users like to vape using the rubber drip tip, but ensure you have wiped any excess
E-Liquid from the tip and have not overfilled the cartridge!
How to refill V2 Cigs cartridges using the reverse drip method
This method is preferred by experienced vapour smokers who are looking for a quick
top-up of their cartridge.
Step 1 -
Remove the cartridge from the e cig battery.
Step 2 -
Drip E-Liquid into the threaded cartridge hole being careful to not drip it outside
of the hole. You should see the E-Liquid disappear into the hole. Take care not to go too
fast or the E-Liquid will spill onto the cartridge threads.
Step 3 -
Clean off any remaining E-Liquid residue.
Step 4 -
Let the cartridge sit for a few minutes before using.
What Should You Do if You Get E-Liquid into the Centre Post of a Cartridge?
don’t panic!
You don’t have to throw away the cartridge. If you muck up and get
E-Liquid into the centre post, just place a paper towel or napkin on the screw-end of the
cartridge. Then, blow into the cartridge from the mouthpiece end to expel the E-Liquid.
Do not inhale!
You are trying to expel the E-Liquid here!!! Now, to avoid getting E-Liquid
into the centre post, you can insert a toothpick into the post while filling the cartridge to
ensure you can’t accidently put E-Liquid into it!
We always recommend that you have 2 batteries preferably in
different colours. One on charge and one in use.
NB: A “faulty” battery could be a faulty USB charger OR
a faulty wall plug. Please check these first if you think there is
a problem.
How to maximise the life span – Keep Your V2 Cigs Batteries Charged!
A newly charged battery from V2 can last between 160 – 300 puffs.
To Enhance Your Battery Performance and lifespan we recommend the
• Your battery will arrive partially charged.
• Your first charge: we advise you to leave the battery for an hour or 2 on charge, after
the indicator light on the wall plug has gone back to blue, indicating that the battery is
fully charged.
• Do not short charge your battery.
• Always fully charge your battery.
• Regular use your battery keeps the battery healthy.
• If you are a heavy vaper you may need to charge your battery every 2 to 4 hours.
• When not in use remove the cartridge from the battery as this drains the battery of
power. Removing the cartridge prolongs the life of both the cartridge and the battery.
• Do not carry an unprotected battery around in your pocket or handbag as tiny fabric
and other particles may enter the battery.
• Do not leave it in direct sunlight or heat.
• Do not get it wet. Contact with liquids is one of the main causes of battery failure.
• Do not allow the battery to totally drain of charge before recharging.
• If you must store your battery for any length of time make sure it is at least 50% charged.
• Ideally you should store the battery fully charged.
• The power will drain faster if the battery is stored with less charge.
E cigarettes are meant to be used on a regular basis and this helps to keep the battery
healthy. If you do plan on storing your battery for a long period of time, then don’t store
it with less than 50 percent charge. The power will drain faster when stored with less
power. Ideally, you would store the battery with a full charge. If you are a heavy vaper you
may find that you need to charge your battery every 2 to 4 hours.
Average Use and Charging Times
Short Batteries:
100-150 puffs before needing to be recharged.
This is the equivalent of 1-1.5 cartridges.
4.2V 150mAh.
Approximately 2 hours to charge.
Standard Batteries:
175-200 puffs before needing to be recharged.
This is the equivalent of 1.5-2 cartridges.
4.2v 250mAh.
Approximately 2-3 hours to charge.
Long Batteries:
250-300 puffs before needing to be recharged.
This is the equivalent of 2-2.5 cartridges.
4.2v 380mAh.
Approximately 4 hours to charge.
Automatic Batteries last longer than Manuals
V2 are 4.2 volt and are therefore of a higher mAh spec than equivalent competitor
batteries. As such they will outlast other batteries in terms of charge and life. They will
also give better vapour and kick.
If you have 2 fully charged standard batteries they should last a 20 a day smoker all day.
They should be fully charged overnight for next for that days use.
If a battery is being used a lot it will only last 2-3 hours. – There is a tendency to overuse
the battery when you first receive it. With constant use the battery may only last for 100
puffs. If it used more like a cigarette the same battery will last 175-200 puffs.
After 6-8 puffs put it down for 1/2 an hour. A normal cigarette gives around 6
to 8 puffs and a cigarette every hour or so is considered to be the normal use.
Using it like a cigarette allows the battery to recover.
A Standard Battery should last for 175-200 puffs. After 2 or three months this MAY
decrease to 100-150 puffs.
Cleaning the battery properly helps the charging process.
No rechargeable battery will last forever. Batteries will need replacing every 3 to 6 months
on average depending on usage. The majority of e cig sellers do not make you aware of
this fact. A battery used by a 30 a day smoker won’t last as long as a 10 a day smoker!!
There are a number of e cigarette review sites that give comparison costs and savings
using e cigarettes. For example have a look at the website below. The savings are
significant even accounting for replacing items.
Your Ex Battery will be supplied with 3 tiny additional rubber rings. They are tiny and easy to
lose. Your new battery will have a rubber ring on the thread end. The rubber can go soft after
some use and will need to be replaced. The care of your Ex Battery follows the same as V2.
If you think you battery is malfunctioning or faulty please stop using it.
If your battery comes into contact with water please don’t attempt to charge it or use
even if you think it has dried out.
Please Use V2 Chargers
Plug your charger into the power source first and then gently screw your battery to the
component. Stop once the light flashes. Do not leave a charging battery unattended.
Keep the battery clean.
Q: My battery is not holding a charge
First check to see if the charger is working properly. The wall adapter has a green
indicator light to inform the user it is working properly. The USB Charger Cord or Express
Charger has a Blue LED that will turn red when the battery is charging. If the light remains
red indefinitely, then there is an issue with the charger/battery.
How long have you had the battery? The average number of cycles for a Standard
battery is 120 charging cycles; this varies based on usage.
Is the charger LED pulsing every 8 seconds? If not, then the issue may be with the
Q: Battery is not producing vapour (no LED on end of battery)
First check to see if the battery is charged, if the battery responds to the charger then
try another cartridge.
If the cartridge was not the issue, then the battery is defective and needs to be replaced.
A well-saturated cartridge should last for a day or more based on the frequency
of use by the consumer. This is the equivalent of around 10-15 cigarettes.
If you mix flavours in a cartridge that is either not yet empty or that you have not
cleaned, the flavours will mix creating a unique taste.
Should You Clean Your V2 Cigs Cartridges Before Refilling?
It depends. Some vapour smokers will clean their cartridges to change the flavour
or extend the cartridge life. V2 has not published an official method of cleaning the
cartridges out at the time of this writing. Some users however, mention washing,
cleaning, or boiling the cartridge. We do not recommend this. Other vapour smokers will
keep the same flavour in the same cartridge to eliminate the overhead of having to clean
out multiple cartridges.
How to Refill V2 Ex Blanks Using the E-Liquid Bottle Dropper
Step 1
Remove the Ex Blank from the battery. Then, remove the cap on the top of the
cartridge. If you see an O-ring it should be removed as well.
Step 2 -
Completely fill the V2 E-Liquid bottle cap dropper with e juice.
Step 3 -
Hold the cartridge at an angle and drop the E-Liquid around the inside edge of
the cartridge until the filler material appears wet and the liquid level is just below the top
measure-marker on the side of the Ex blank.
Avoid getting E-Liquid into the centre
post of the cartridge while doing this step and do not over fill.
For a new, empty
cartridge this step will normally consist of 10-18 total drops.
Step 4 -
After filling the cartridge, replace the O ring and cap. Then, wipe off any excess
E-Liquid around the edge of the cartridge. Allow it to sit for at least 20 minutes before vaping.
How do you refill V2 Cigs other cartridges with E-Liquid?
There are a number of methods that can be used to refill a V2 Cigs or other
manufacturer’s cartridges with E-Liquid. The following are several methods that you can
consider using and are approved by the V2 Cigs Company.
How to refill V2 Cigs Blank Cartridges using a
V2 Drip Tip
V2 Cigs recommends the following method for the newbie or those
who don’t have steady hands. This is the easiest refill method.
V2 Cigs Aluminium
Drip Tips
Please do not try to refill your Ex Carts as they are sealed. They are designed to last
longer than the other carts. You are also able to see how much liquid you have in the
existing cart.
Does V2 Cigs Stock the Accessories I need to Refill My Own Cartridges?
The short answer is yes! V2 Cigs sells blank e cig cartridges, 10ml, 25ml and
50ml bottles of E-Liquid, and both rubber and aluminium drip tips.
A “faulty” cartridge could be a battery that needs charging. If you experience a
burnt taste, little vapour or bad taste when you receive
a new batch of cartridges, please try the following before deciding that the
cartridges are “faulty”.
Start with 2 fully charged batteries and a working cartridge.
Attach the suspected faulty cartridge on one of the batteries.
Take a slighter stronger draw than you would normally do to start the process.
Take a long draw…you do not have to inhale.
Check to see if you can hear a crackling sound…that is normal and means the
cartridge is in good order.
With a crackling sound there will be vapour.
If there is no crackling sound and vapour, repeat this on the other battery to
ascertain if the problem is the battery or the cartridge.
If you have eliminated the battery as the problem take a second cartridge from the
blister pack and repeat the process.
Please do not test more than 2 cartridges from each blister pack.
Please keep the 2 “faulty “cartridges so that they can be returned to us for testing.
Please note we can only replace cartridges if the faulty ones are returned to us with a
completed Return Form.
All the fluid has been used up due to vaping-burnt taste and little to no vapour.
Do you leave the cartridge on the battery?
This may dry out the cartridges faster. This is more noticeable in the drier seasons.
Store cartridges in room temperature for better preservation.
To save cartridges, take them off after each use and recap them.