3 Preheating tableware
Loading tableware
Place dishes in the drawer and distribute over the entire surface.
Set the dial to setting level
(for drinking vessels, set a maximum of
60 °C).
– The pilot lamp illuminates.
Close the drawer.
– The pilot lamp illuminates.
– The appliance heats up.
Preheating duration
The preheating duration depends on the material and thickness of the dishes
and according to their quantity, height and arrangement. Stacked plates take
longer to warm up than individual items.
Distribute the dishes over the entire surface.
It takes approximately 45–60 minutes to preheat place settings for 6 persons.
Unloading tableware
Open the drawer.
Switch the dial to Off (0°C).
Remove the tableware with a heat-resistant cloth or glove.
Drinking vessels become very hot at setting level 80 °C or
Danger of burns!
Do not exceed setting level 60 °C for warming drinking vessels
such as espresso cups.
The surface of the heating plate is hot. Items at the bottom of the
drawer get hotter than those at the top. Always use a heat-resistant
cloth or glove to remove the tableware.