Version 12.09.2017
Connect white female 6pin Molex connector of the 6pin to 8pin cable to the male
6pin Molex connector of the video-interface.
Connect black female 8pin Micro-Fit connector of the 6pin to 8pin cable to male 8pin
Micro-Fit connector of the GM-LAN-box.
Note: Check LEDs on video-interface after reconnecting the battery, one must be on.
Connect red-green drilled cable of 6pin of 8pin cable to the male 4pin connector of
the video-interface.
Note: The GM-LAN-box is not compatible with all vehicles. If the GM-LAN-box does not
deliver ACC to pin2 of the video-interface or blocks the vehicle GM-LAN, it is possible to
install without GM-LAN -box. In this case see also note in chapter after-market rear-view
camera if one is supposed to be connected.
Connection to the factory monitor
Remove factory monitor.
Connect female 8pin connector of the GVIF cable to the male 8pin connector of the
Remove female GVIF connector from the rear of the factory monitor and connect it
to the GVIF connector of the GVIF cable.
Connect female GVIF connector of the GVIF cable to the male GVIF connector of the
factory monitor.