Compact design Light is portable and can
be easily carried in small
pocket of BC.
Aluminum barrel Rugged. Durable.
Corrosion resistant. Will
withstand heavy use.
LED bulb
Extremely bright, intense
light beam from very small
Easy to locate. Simple to
turn on/off.
Wrist lanyard
Can be attached to your
wrist for extra security.
Battery power
Powered by 3 alkaline
or rechargeable
AAA batteries. Easily
replaceable by user.
O-ring seal
Threaded barrel with o-ring
seal helps prevent leaks.
Do not look directly into the light, or direct
the torch into the eyes of other people. If
using rechargeable batteries, please make
sure the total voltage does not exceed 4.5
volts. Do not alter or modify the dive light. If
modification causes water leakage or other
malfunctions, warranty will be void.
Proper storage:
if flashlight is not to be used
for a long period of time, remove batteries to
avoid accidental leakage.
Proper maintenance:
frequent use of flashlight
may cause o-rings to dry out. To avoid leakage,
clean o-ring groove with a lint free cloth and regularly
apply a very small amount of high quality regulator
lubricant to o-rings to help prevent dry cracking.
8254 Nova light 200.indd 3
14/09/2012 12:26:58