DigiDoc-It Imaging System
Camera & UV Filter
The digital color camera includes a zoom lens.
The EtBr filter, orange-colored UV blocking band pass filter, is installed inside the hood at the UVP factory. The
filter is used to absorb UV and IR radiation from the transilluminator and to enhance the orange/pink bands
generated by Ethidium Bromide stained gels. The filter can be removed when imaging non-fluorescent media
(protein gels, colony plates, etc.) in order to produce brighter images.
Doc-It®LS Acquisition Software
The Doc-
ItLS software loads onto the user’s existing computer. The software controls the camera acquisition
functions as well as enhancement and reporting features. For information on installation and use of the software,
refer to the Doc-ItLS Software help files.
UV Transilluminator
An UV transilluminator may be shipped with the system. The transilluminator includes an ultraviolet blocking
cover and the cover should be removed when the transilluminator is used with the system. Refer to the
Transilluminator manual for separate instructions.
Operating System requirements
Windows XP Professional (32-bit only) with Service Pack-2
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher [To locate the version of Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer and
click on
Help->About Internet Explorer
Intel Pentium Processor or equivalent, 1.6 GHz or higher
1 GB of RAM or greater
200 MB of available hard disk space for the program, more for data
CD-ROM drive
One Universal Serial Bus (USB) for connecting the camera
Color monitor, supporting at least 1024 x 768 resolution and 16-bit or better colors; 24-bit or 32-bit color
is strongly recommended
For 21 CFR Part 11 support functionality, the computer partition must be formatted with NTFS. Refer to
the Doc-ItLS software manual for instructions.
Doc-It LS Acquisition Software