Users guide for SwitchPlug232USB
Grounded outlet for 10A / 230V.
Controlled via RS232 or USB.
Very easy to use, 10 minutes to learn!
Controls lamps, computers, alarm, heaters, fans,
conveyor bands…
SwitchPlug232USB is mounted in a common wall outlet and the output
can be switched on/off from your computer..
SwitchPlug232USB is controlled via or USB. You can only use one connector
at a time (do not try to connect both, you will break the connectors).
Control is done with some simple ASCII text commands, ON and OFF,
that switches the outlet on and off.
There are some more commands for asking status and to set options.
When controlling via RS232 more than one box can be controlled from one
single COM-port.
Then each box is given an individual address digit and all commands to the
box must start with this digit. When using this option connector pin 2 is
not used – transmission from the box.
The addressing function works in the same way with USB but it is not really
useful with USB.