USR-TCP232-T2 user manual
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
Serial port basic parameters including: baud rate; data bits; stop bits; parity.
1. Baud rate: communicating speed of serial port, can be set from 600~460.8Kbps, support random baud rate.
2. Data bits:the range of it from 5 to 8.
3. Stop bits:can set from 1 to 2.
4. Parity: support none, odd, even, mark and space
4.5.2. Serial port framing
Since the data on the network is transmitted in the unit of data frames, it is necessary to send the frame data via serial
port to the network, so as to transmit data more efficiently and quickly.T2 packages serial port data according to fixed
packaging length and packaging time during data transmission.The default T2 packaging time is 4 bytes of packaging time
and 400 bytes of packaging length.
The frame mechanism of serial port is based on the packaging time and the packaging length.
Serial port packaging time: the default is 4 bytes of send time.
Serial port package length: default package length is 400 bytes
4.5.3. RFC2217
This function is used to change USR-TCP232-T2 serial port parameter through network. E.g: change baud rate from
115200bps to 9600bps. It can be set by software or webpage.
By default ,it is in open state.
When using VCOM software, this function also works, the baud rate of software in PC will match Autonomic with the
baud rate of USR-TCP232-T2, don’t need to focus on serial port baud rate.
After restart, it is default parameter.
Diagram 4.5.3-1 RFC2217