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Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
Special Features:
A heartbeat packet to the network transmission / heartbeat packet sent to the serial port
You can choose to send a heartbeat packet direction, if you set the heartbeat packet is sent to the network, the
heartbeat package for maintaining a connection; if you set the heartbeat packet is sent to the serial port, the heartbeat
packet data device can be set to read instructions, instructions for acquiring fixed The user equipment device to capture
user data, to reduce the burden on the data server.
The connection is made registration packet / data with registration packet
Registration packets can choose to send the way, if you set the connection that is made for registration package,
DTU module connected to the server when establishing registration packet that is sent to the server, the user can
register the server program package to identify the binding is currently connected to do; if set of data with registration
packet, the serial data received by DTU will increase after registration packet header data is sent to the user server to do
data recognition.
Enable network AT commands
After enabling network AT commands, which can be in a specific format to send commands via the server in
passthrough mode to modify parameters DTU module.
Enable the serial AT commands
Enabling serial AT commands, in transparent mode which can be used to modify the parameters of a specific
format DTU module to send commands through the serial port, send text messages and so on.