Can this timer be used to turn on and off devices such as keypads, Free exit sensors or other devices?
Yes, if you desire to control operational time of such devices connect the Relay N/O from the device to the blue wire
only. The device will only operate when the program is running or timer is in the always on mode. This disconnects
the device relay common thus disabling the device from operating what it is connected to.
See illustration below.
The illustration below shows how to wire the 7 day timer so that it controls the functional time of the hard wired
device. The timer should be programmed with an ON time and OFF time corresponding to the time of the day the
device needs to be functional.
If you toggle the timer to the always ON mode the device will always work.
If you toggle the timer to the always OFF mode the device will not work.
If you toggle the timer to the PROG mode it will execute the events programmed.
The illustration below shows how to wire the 7 day timer directly to a gate or door. The timer should be programmed
with an ON time and OFF time corresponding to the time of the day the gate or door is to be held open. The close
function must be part of the gate or door control board. The timer only holds the gate or door open overriding any
automatic close function of the gate or door control board.
If you toggle the timer to the always ON mode the gate or door would always be open.
If you toggle the timer to the always OFF mode the gate or door will operate as if no timer is present.
If you toggle the timer to the PROG mode it will execute the events programmed.
This product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for one year. This warranty does not cover defects caused by, but not
limited to: acts of God, improper installation, abuse, fire and water damage, electrical surges. For more information, contact US Automatic.
Gate or Door Control board (12 or 24 Vdc only)
Open Input
Keypad, Free Exit or other device
Relay Common
Relay N/O
Gate or Door Control board (12 or 24 Vdc only)
Relay N/O from device
Safety Warning
– This device when directly connected to an automatic gate or door will activate device
when programmed to do so. Proper safety precautions MUST be taken to prevent injury to people,
property or animals that might be in the area when device is activated. USAutomatic recommends safety
devices such as contact sensors, photo beams and motion detectors on all installations. In addition visual
or audible devices may also be used to provide warning to persons or animals in the area.