Wireless MAXg USB Adapter: User Guide
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol
version of Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). EAP
ensures mutual authentication between a wireless client
and a server that resides at the network operations
public key infrastructure
In cryptography, a public
key infrastructure (PKI) is an arrangement that
provides for third-party vetting of, and vouching for,
user identities. It also allows binding of public keys to
users. This is usually carried by software at a central
location together with other coordinated software at
distributed locations. The public keys are typically in
Power Save mode
The state in which the radio is periodically powered
down to conserve power. When the radio is in Power
Save mode, receive packets are stored in the AP until
the radio comes on.
preferred network
A network connection profile created using Windows
WZC. Such profiles are listed under
on the
Wireless Networks
tab in Windows
Wireless Network Connection Properties
preferred network
A network connection profile created using the
USRobotics Wireless Utility.
Providing a peer with a trust anchor, shared secret, or
other appropriate information necessary for establishing
a security association.
quadrature amplitude modulation
A modulation
technique that uses variations in signal amplitude and
phase to represent data-encoded symbols as a number
of states.
Quality of Service
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the capability of a
network to provide better service to selected network
traffic over various technologies. See
file:///G|/CSO/T-Writer%20Repository/Networking/5425...g%20Refresh%20USB/User%20Guide/English/glossary.html (11 of 16)6/26/2007 9:29:38 AM