Wireless MAXg USB Adapter: User Guide
Cisco Compatible Extensions A licensing agreement offered by Cisco Systems to
enable interoperability of third-party client adapters and
mobile devices with Cisco Aironet wireless local area
network (LAN) infrastructure.
Cisco Compatible Extensions
Version 4 of Cisco Compatible Extensions.
A digital document that is commonly used for
authentication and secure exchange of information on
open networks, such as the Internet, extranets, and
intranets. A certificate securely binds a public key to the
entity that holds the corresponding private key.
Certificates are digitally signed by the issuing
certification authority and can be issued for a user, a
computer, or a service. The most widely accepted
format for certificates is defined by the
version 3 international standard
. See also
certificate store
The storage area on your computer where requested
certificates are stored.
The user store is the Personal folder in the certificate
The root store is in the Trusted Root Certification
Authorities folder in the certificate store.
The machine store is on the authentication server of the
certification authority.
Cisco Key Integrity Protocol
A Cisco proprietary
security protocol for encryption in IEEE 802.11 media.
CKIP uses key permutation, message integrity check
and message sequence number to improve IEEE 802.11
security in infrastructure mode.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
authentication scheme used by Point-to-Point-Protocol
servers to validate the identity of the originator of a
connection, upon connection or any time later.
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