Starting and configuring your uRADMonitor D
Turn on your Model D using the start button, labeled "ON". To configure the
Internet connection, follow the guide below:
1.Click Settings
2.Click CFG WIFI
3.Enter SSID & KEY
4.See confirmation
Picture 5: Wifi settings
Now your Model D will connect to the given SSID for Internet access.
Webpage based configuration
The model D has an internal webserver that can be used for data access and
configuration. First, turn on your Model D unit using the start button. On your
computer search for nearby wireless networks. Connect to the Wifi hotspot
spawned by your Model D:
Picture 6: uRADMonitor local Wifi Hotspot
The SSID is uRADMonitor-XX, where XX are the last two digits of your Model D ID
(eg. 64000001) that is printed on the back of your unit, under "serial number".
uRADMonitor Wifi Hotspot password: the Device ID (eg. 64000001)
Once connected, open in your browser. You'll see the internal webpage of
your model D. Click the WIFI link at the bottom to configure the AP where your model
D should connect to.
Picture 7: uRADMonitor D internal webpage
When done press "Change". Check the Status message to confirm the model D is