Stand 20.2.2020
35 von 110
Sherbet can be made from nearly all sorts of fruits or fruit juice, e g. from
raspberries, apricots, peaches. melons, kiwis etc. A sherbet must be stirred
constantly during freezing to avoid the formation of big ice crystals. Sherbets
don’t necessarily have to be sweet. Just try a tomato or a campari orange sherbet
as starter of a dinner. A special delight is a bowl of sherbet served in a glass of
Basic recipe
ml mashed fruits / fruit
juice, 75-100 g sugar (depending on
the type of fruit), 1-2 tblsp eggwhite.
Mix all ingredients and prepare ice
cream in the ice cream maker. The
sherbet can be seasoned with 1 tblsp
liqueur, brandy, etc. If canned fruits
are used, it is not necessary to add
Strawberry sherbet
375 g strawberries, 1 tsp lemon juice,
1 tblsp eggwhite, 3-4 tblsp sugar,
100 ml apple juice
Mix all ingredients and prepare a sher-
bet in the ice cream maker.
Campari orange sherbet
650 ml orange juice, 125 ml Campari,
1-2 tblsp eggwhite, sugar to taste
Mix all ingredients and prepare a sher-
bet in the ice cream maker.
Cassis sherbet
650 ml mashed black currants, juice
of one lemon, 70 g sugar, 2 cl Crème
de Cassis, 1 eggwhite
Pass the mashed black currants
through a sieve, mix them with all in-
gredients and prepare a sherbet in the
ice cream maker.
Yoghurt fruit ice cream
g mashed fruits (strawberries,
raspberries, cherries etc.), 1 dash of
sweetener, 300 ml natural yoghurt,
3 tblsp of cream
Prepare ice cream as described above.
Mango coconut ice cream
1 ripe mango, 1 cup of natural yo-
ghurt, 200 ml, coconut milk, 2-3 tblsp
sugar, 2-3 tblsp grated coconut
Peel and mash the mango, mix it with
the other ingredients and prepare ice
cream in the ice cream maker.
Quick Yoghurt fruit ice
Just prepare ice cream of 750 ml
fruity yoghurt (4,5% grease).
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