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ÜKYP/YP Automatic Fuel Loading, Central System Heating Boiler Usage and Maintenance Manual
The following steps should be followed for the boiler initial start-up:
Check if there is a visible defect in the installation. If there is a problem, correct the problems by getting
information from the "Information on Usage Errors" page.
Observe from the hydrometer whether the water is decreasing in the
installation. If it is missing, add water when the boiler is cold.
Check whether there is a visible defect in the electrical line of the boiler. If there is a problem, correct the
problems by getting information from the "Information on Usage Errors" page.
To burn pellets with automatic feeding:
Fill the hopper with fuel and close the lid tightly.
Open the control panel by pressing
the button of the device for 2
second. When it is turned on, values will appear next to the Supply, Set
Temperature, Standby variables on the blue graphic screen.
CHECKUP is not seen because the
Gearbox On/Off and
On/Off buttons are not pressed, and the boiler is operating.
Belli bir süre Redüktör On/Off ve Fan On/Off butonlarına basılmazsa, önce
ateşleme ve besleme yapıp, daha sonra ateşlemeye devam edecektir.
Sıcaklıkların yükselmediğini hissedip, ya “Ateşleme Sistemi Arızalı” ya da “Yakıt
Bitti” ikazı verecektir.
If the
Gearbox On/Off and
Fan On/Off buttons are not pressed
for a certain period of time, it will first fire and feed, and then continue to fire. It
will feel that the temperatures are not rising and will give a warning either
"Ignition System Malfunction" or "Out of Fuel".
Press the
Gearbox On/Off and
Fan On/Off buttons. The reducer
and fan will be activated and the boiler will work to fulfill its heating functions.
Kazan suyu sıcaklığını ilk çalıştırmada 60
C ayarlamakta fayda vardır. Bunun için
önce panelden Sıcaklık Ayarı butonuna basınız. Ekranda SICAKLIK SET yazısı
belirecektir. Ayarlamak isediğiniz sıcaklık derecesine gelinceye kadar
butonlarına basılı tutabilirsiniz.
It is useful to adjust the boiler water temperature to 60
C at the first start-up.
For this, first press the
Temperature Setting button on the panel.