Chapter 4: Subsystem Connection and Operation
Sample Topologies
These two computers are clustered.
Cluster software is installed.
The same storage volume(s) are made available on both host ports.
The surviving computer can access the array in the event of single
computer failure.
Figure 4-1: Connect AR3016G Subsystem to Dual Hosts
The input ports on the subsystem, FC-CH0 and FC-
CH1, are connected to two separate host computers.
Redundant Host:
If one of the host computers fails, the second
host computer that is connected to the subsystem can resume the
operation of the subsystem (See
Figure 4-1)
4.3.2 Sample Topology – Direct-Attached
In the configuration shown in
Figure 4-2,
one (1) AR3016G subsystem is
connected to a single host computer. Data path redundancy makes sense
when the following configurations are available:
Path failover software is installed.
Storage volume(s) are presented on either of the host ports. The
host management software should direct the data flow through a
surviving path in the event of single path failure.