Welcome to Univex
Thank you for purchasing this Univex Product.
Your new MG8912 Meat Grinder has been designed with advanced performance and safety features that make
it an excellent addition to your food preparation equipment. Like all Univex mixers, slicers, meat grinders and
accessories, this meat grinder is engineered to provide years of reliable service.
If you have any questions concerning the operation of this unit, or if we can be of further assistance, please
call our Customer Service Department for the location of your nearest service representative.
Univex Customer Service:
USA & Canada 800-25
International 603-893-6191
Or visit us on-line at www.univexcorp.com under service agents.
The UNIVEX Model MG8912 Meat Grinder is a portable electric powered machine designed to
process 8 to 12 pounds of meat per minute. It consists of a 1 HP drive assembly with a No. 12 drive hub
operating at 250 RPM, a grinder head assembly with interchangeable plates to vary the texture of the
processed meat, an 8 quart feed pan to hold the meat that is to be processed, and a stomper to push the
meat into the grinder.
The MG8912 Meat Grinder has been inspected and tested at the factory, however the user should
examine the grinder head assembly and compare it with the parts list on page 8. The drive assembly is
complete and requires only an external inspection and electrical check prior to use. The electrical data
listed on the nameplate of the drive unit should be the same as the user’s electrical supply. Any damage
should be reported to the carrier immediately and any shortage or deviation of parts should be reported
to Univex Corporation.
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