UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 6: Using UAD Plug‑Ins
The status bar states are as follows:
Not shown – The plug‑in is authorized and operating normally.
Not Authorized – The plug‑in authorization is not current or the demo is not yet started.
Demo – The demo period is active; days remaining in the demo are displayed.
Powered Off – The plug‑in is inactive. It has been disabled via the Power button in single
plug‑in view or from the Inserts view.
Note: Powered Off does not appear if the plug-in is disabled from within its
graphical interface.
Disabled – The plug‑in is not running because there were not enough available UAD DSP
resources when attempting to load the plug‑in or the demo period is expired.
Adjusting Parameters
The parameter settings within each UAD plug‑in can be adjusted to achieve a desired
sonic effect. Parameter values are easily modified by dragging sliders, rotating knobs,
clicking switches and buttons, or by selecting values from a drop menu. The functions of
all parameters are detailed in the UAD plug‑in manuals.
The parameter adjustment style can be Circular, Relative Circular, or Linear. For
descriptions of these options, see
“Controls Mode Menu” on page 118
Note: To increase resolution when adjusting rotary controls in circular and relative
circular modes, increase the radius of the mouse relative to the knob while
dragging (i.e., move the mouse farther away from the knob while dragging).
Text Entry
Parameters that have a value display field can be modified directly with text entry. To
enter a parameter value using text entry, single‑click the parameter value text field. The
text value will highlight, indicating it is ready to receive a new value. Type in a new value,
then press Return, Enter, or Tab, or click outside of the text box. Press Esc if you want to
revert to the prior setting without entering the new value.
Values entered via text entry are rounded to the closest significant digit. If an entered
value is out of range, it will be ignored.
Time Values
To enter time values, the units must be specified; m = milliseconds, and s = seconds.
For example: To enter 400 milliseconds, type 0.400s or 400m. To enter 1.5 seconds,
type 1.5s or 1500m.
Mouse/Wheel Scroll
If your input device has a scroll function, it can be used to adjust knob and slider
controls. Place the mouse cursor over any knob or slider control, then use the scroll
function to change the parameter value.