Operating Instructions
The 2108 is a two-channel, solid state microphone / instrument preamplifier. Each channel
has two gain stages operating in a class A single-ended configuration. Variable negative
feedback is applied to both of these stages to control gain and “color”. Balanced inputs and
outputs are transformer coupled.
2108 Front Panel
The front panel has two identical channels (Figure ) each with an eleven position detented
Gain control that doubles as an input selector. In addition, each channel has Level, Polarity,
48V Phantom power, Signal Monitoring and Input Impedance (Z-in) controls as well as a Hi-Z
Input jack. A multi color signal strength indicator is located between each channels push
button array. The Power switch and associated “on” light is located on the far right. Each
control is discussed in the following sections.
The Gain switch determines which input is active and the “system gain” of the pre amp. The
rear chassis XLR Mic Input is always selected, unless the Gain control is turned to one of the
three Hi-Z settings marked on the front panel. In general, using higher settings (50 - 65) will
produce more “colored” results.
Figure 1:
2108 front panel