USB Dongle Series Model:UD-731N
UniTraQ International Corp.
RoHS compliance
2011,01, Version 1.1
Protocol Information:
This box indicates the current message set that is being used to
communicate with the GPS receiver. This can be the NMEA-0183 standard or the UBX
protocol. The UBX protocol provides more extensive information with the receiver.
u-center can handle both protocols.
Operating Time:
The time elapsed since you started
UTC Time: The current time sent by the GPS receiver
Communication Information: Shows the active COM port and baudrate.
Color-Coding of this icon:
Green: data is being received at the correct baudrate
Dark Green: the last data received was valid, but there is no data to collect at this time.
Red: data is being received but errors are detected
Dark Red: no data is being received but errors have been detected in the past
Gray: waiting for first data