background image


Where to install 

smoke detectors 













Places where 

smoke detectors 

should NOT be 






Installation and 

first use 




Function check 




•  Fit the smoke detector to the ceiling, in the centre of the room. Smoke rises to the room ceiling 

and spreads out horizontally. Install the smoke detector at least 19 inches (50 cm) from the  

nearest wall and 2 feet (61 cm) from the corner of the room (see       ).

•  Do not fit smoke detectors to ceiling beams if they are more than 8 inches (20 cm) thick.  

In such cases, a smoke alarm must be installed on each ceiling panel.

•  The maximum installation height of the fitted smoke alarm must not exceed 6 m. For installation 

heights over 6 m the smoke alarms are to be fitted on several levels.

•  Make sure that you keep a minimum distance of 50 cm from lamps, fluorescent lamps and other 


•  Maximum monitoring range per smoke alarm: 60 m²

•  For extensive corridors the distance between two alarms must be a maximum of 15 m.  

Smoke alarms may be fitted with a maximum distance of 7.5 m to the end of corridors.

•  In rooms and corridors with widths smaller than 1 m the smoke alarm is to be fitted in the 

middle on the ceiling.

•  Local specifications must be observed.
•  Bathrooms and places with high levels of air humidity. 

• Garages. 

•  Kitchens. If you do install a smoke detector in a kitchen, ensure that it is at least 13 feet 

  (4 metres) from the stove or hob. 

•  Near heaters, heating/cooling shafts and ventilation shafts. 

•  Near heating stoves and open fireplaces. 

•  In places with very high levels of dust. 

•  In places where temperatures drop to below -10°C or rise to over +40°C. 
     This alarm is designed for your safety. However under certain influences the alarm may  

    not go off or give a false alarm.
•  Turn the device anticlockwise to separate it from its base for installation.

•  Install the base at the desired location, using the screws provided.

•  Attach the battery to the connection clip 


 and place it flat in its compartment 



•  Refit the smoke detector to the base, rotating it clockwise to lock it in position. 



safety block 


 is designed to stop the smoke detector being attached to the base without first  

being fitted with a battery. Ensure that the battery is connected and inserted correctly.

The smoke detector emits a very loud alarm signal. So when activating the test button 


keep an arm’s length away. Press the test button until the LED surrounding test button 



pulsates and the alarm rings (alarm sounds 2-3x and stops automatically). Release the test 

button as soon as you hear the alarm. This is to check whether the electronics, the alarm  

signal of the detector and the battery are working. It is recommended that the device is tested 

monthly, after each battery change and after setting into service.



The need to change the batteries is announced by a beep repeated every 30 to 40 seconds. 

The detector is still operative for a few days after this time. 

     According to the type of batteries used, the time of full functional capability may vary on  

     indication of an empty battery. At the first sign of an empty battery, the battery should be  


Only carry out a replacement with an identical or equivalent type of battery (see also Techni-

cal Data). Do not use rechargeable batteries or mains adapters. These can cause false alarms 

or failure of the detector.

Battery change:

1. Remove the smoke alarm from the mounting base with a counter-clockwise rotation.

2. Remove the old battery from the battery compartment 


 and disconnect it from the battery 




3. Connect a new battery of the polarity according to the battery clip 


 and place the battery 

flat into the battery compartment 


4. Reattach the smoke alarm on the mounting base with a clockwise rotation. Note that a 

mounting block prevents the attachment without battery.

In normal operation, the smoke alarm performs a self-test every 30 to 40 seconds. The LED 

surrounding test button 


 will flash briefly.

Strong draughts of air, steam and kitchen fumes, high air humidity, dust etc. can all cause false 

alarms. Cigarette smoke does not normally trigger the alarm. If the alarm does sound, check 

first to see if there really is a fire. If there is no fire, check to see if the alarm has been triggered 

for one of the reasons mentioned above. In order to stop the false alarm, you must disconnect 

the battery from the device.
•  If you cannot put out the fire yourself with a fire extinguisher or fire blanket, evacuate the buil 

  ding immediately. Every second counts, so do not waste time getting dressed or collecting up  


•  Telephone the fire brigade after you have left the building. 

•  Before opening any exit door, place your hands on its surface to check for heat. DO NOT open it  

  if it is hot to the touch, or if smoke is coming through underneath. Look for an alternative escape  

  route. If the door surface is cold, place you shoulder against it and open it slightly. Be ready to  

  slam it shut again immediately if heat and smoke begin to enter from the neighbouring room. 

•  If there is smoke in the air, get down and crawl on all fours. Breathe through a (preferably wet)  

  piece of cloth. 

•  Do not attempt to go back into the building until the fire brigade tells you it is safe to do so.
Power supply: 

9V rectangular battery 

Recommended batteries: 

Zinc coal type: Gold Peak #1604S.  


Operating temperature: 

0°C to +40°C 

Alarm signal: 

min. 85 dB(A)

Recommended usage period: The entire smoke alarm must be replaced when the unit is 

installed for more than 10 years (check the replacement date on the product label). Use the 

test key to verify proper functioning following each change of battery.


Replacing the 














Normal operation

False alarms 




What if there’s 

a fire? 















Содержание EIM-217

Страница 1: ... S Fotoelektronisk brandvarnare Fotoelektroniczna czujka dymowa Fotoelektrické kouřové čidlo Fotoelektrický hlásič požiaru Semnalizator fotoelectronic de fum Operating instructions Mode d emploi Manuale d uso Bedieningshandleiding Bruksanvisning Instrukcja obsługi Návod k obsluze Návod na obsluhu Instrucţiuni de utilizare 213003 213004 Modell EIM 217 Bedienungsanleitung ...

Страница 2: ... und korrekt angeschlossene Batterie Voraussetzung siehe auch Punkt 7 Tauschen Sie einen beschädigten Rauchwarnmelder grundsätzlich aus Batterien dürfen nicht direkter Wärmeeinstrahlung ausgesetzt werden 1 Nicht wiederaufladbare Batterien dürfen nicht aufgeladen werden 2 Ungleiche Batterietypen oder neue und gebrauchte Batterien dürfen nicht zusammen verwendet werden 3 Batterien müssen mit der ric...

Страница 3: ...h der Inbetriebnahme zu testen Die Notwendigkeit des Batteriewechsels wird durch einen alle 30 bis 40 Sekunden wiederkeh renden Piepton angekündigt Der Melder ist während dieser Zeit noch für wenige Tage voll funktionsfähig Je nach eingesetztem Batterietyp kann die Zeit der vollen Funktionsfähigkeit bei An zeichen einer leeren Batterie unterscheiden Beim ersten Anzeichen einer leeren Bat terie sol...

Страница 4: ...nnounce the presence of smoke and warn people in private homes both through sound and visually A piercing alarm sounds whenever the device detects the presence of smoke Note that the device detects the smoke and not the flames produced by a fire Identifying and signalling household fires or for similar applications in residential environments DO NOT paint over or apply any other type of coating to...

Страница 5: ...need to change the batteries is announced by a beep repeated every 30 to 40 seconds The detector is still operative for a few days after this time According to the type of batteries used the time of full functional capability may vary on indication of an empty battery At the first sign of an empty battery the battery should be replaced Only carry out a replacement with an identical or equivalent t...

Страница 6: ...eur collecte et de leur recyclage 10 Ne pas exposer les piles à une chaleur excessive comme par exemple aux rayons du soleil Les chambres Placer un détecteur de fumée dans chaque chambre s il existe plus d une zone de couchage Les couloirs et les escaliers Les escaliers peuvent facilement faire effet de cheminée pour la fumée et le feu et contribuer à leur propagation Veiller à avoir au moins un d...

Страница 7: ...électronique de l avertis 5 Où placer les détecteurs de fumée 6 Dans quelles pièces ne pas installer de détec teurs de fumée 7 Installation et mise en service 8 Contrôle de fonction 9 Changement de la batterie 10 Fonctionne ment normal 11 Fausse alarme 12 Que faire en cas d incendie seur du détecteur et de la batterie est contrôlée Nous vous recommandons de tester l appareil une fois par mois aprè...

Страница 8: ...sone nelle abitazioni private Emette un forte allarme non appena del fumo penetra all interno dell apparec chio Il rilevatore di fumo riconosce il fumo e non le fiamme di un incendio Riconoscere e segnalare incendi in nuclei domestici o per applicazioni equiparabili in ambienti domestici Il rilevatore di fumo non deve essere dipinto con pittura o simili Ogni sei mesi rimuovere la polvere eventualm...

Страница 9: ...C La necessità di cambiare la batteria è segnalata tramite un cicalino che si ripete ogni 30 40 secondi A partire da questo momento il rilevatore è ancora pienamente efficiente solo per pochi giorni A seconda del tipo di batteria utilizzato può variare il periodo per il quale il rilevatore resta ancora efficiente con la batteria debole Pertanto si dovrebbe cambiare la batteria ai primi sintomi d i...

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Страница 11: ...batterij vervangen 10 Normaal bedrijf 11 Vals alarm 12 Wat te doen bij brand 13 Technische gegevens Als de batterij vervangen moet worden wordt dit aangegeven door een pieptoon die om de 30 tot 40 seconden te horen is Vanaf dit tijdstip werkt de melder nog slechts enkele dagen volledig Afhankelijk van het ingezette batterijtype kan de tijd van het nog goed functioneren na de aanduiding dat de batt...

Страница 12: ...pptäcka rök och meddela om det för att på detta sätt varna människor i privata bostäder både akustiskt och visuellt En hög larmsi gnal ljuder så snart det kommer in rök i brandvarnaren Brandvarnaren registrerar röken inte elden vid en brand Upptäcka och indikera bränder i hemmet och för liknande användningar inom bostäder Brandvarnaren får inte målas över med färg eller dylikt Avlägsna eventuellt ...

Страница 13: ... installerat mer än 10 år kontrollera utbytesdatum på produktetiketten Den korrekta funktio nen skall efter varje batteribyte testas via testknappen Sätt brandvarnaren i taket mitt i rummet Röken stiger uppåt till taket och breder sedan ut sig horisontalt Se till att brandvarnaren hamnar minst 50 cm från en sidovägg och 61 cm från ett hörn se Montera inte brandvarnare på takbjälkar om de är tjocka...

Страница 14: ...ć go co pół roku przy pomocy pędzla lub lekko zwilżonej ściereczki W pomieszczeniach o wysokim poziomie zapylenia należy czyścić czujkę dymową co miesiąc Nie należy używać sprężonego powietrza Ostrzeżenie Aby zapobiec obrażeniom urządzenie należy bezpiecznie przymocować na suficie zgodnie z instrukcją montażu Warunkiem niezawodnego działania czujki dymowej jest naładowana i poprawnie podłączona ba...

Страница 15: ... uruchomieniu 9 Wymiana baterii 10 Normalna praca 11 Fałszywy alarm 12 Postępowanie w przypadku pożaru 13 Dane techniczne Konieczność wymiany baterii sygnalizowana jest przez powtarzający się co 30 40 sekund piszczący dźwięk Czujka będzie jeszcze przez kilka dni w pełni funkcjonalna W zależności od zastosowanego typu baterii czas pełnej funkcjonalności od momentu wskazania wyczerpania się baterii ...

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Страница 17: ... kouřová čidla A 7 Instalace a uvedení do provozu 8 Kontrola funkčnosti i i C 9 Výměna baterie 10 Normální provoz 11 Planý poplach 12 Co dělat při požáru 13 Technické údaje Nutnost výměny baterií se oznamuje opakujícím se pípáním v trvání 30 až 40 sekund Během této doby je hlásič ještě několik dnů plně funkční Podle používaného typu baterií je čas plné funkčnosti při příznaku vybité baterie různý ...

Страница 18: ...mene požiaru Rozpoznávanie a hlásenie požiarov v domácnostiach alebo pre porovnateľné používanie v obytných priestoroch Hlásič požiaru nesmiete pretierať farbou alebo podobným náterom Raz za polrok odstraňujte prípadne sa vytvárajúci prach štetcom alebo zľahka navlhčenou handrou V miestnostiach s vysokou prašnosťou musíte hlásič požiaru čistiť raz mesačne Nepoužívajte stlačený vzduch Varovanie Aby...

Страница 19: ...né tlačidlo ako náhle zaznie alarm Pritom sa preveruje či sú funkčné elektronika vysielač alarmu hlásiča a batéria Odporúča sa aby ste zariadenie kontrolovali raz mesačne po každej výmene batérie a po uvedení do prevádzky 9 Výmena batérie 10 Bežná prevádzka 11 Chybný poplach 12 Čo máte spraviť pri požiari 13 Nevyhnutnosť výmeny batérie sa oznamuje opakujúcim sa pípaním v trvaní 30 až 40 sekúnd Poč...

Страница 20: ... în interiorul aparatului pătrunde fum se declanșează o alarmă zgomotoasă Semnalizatorul de fum recunoaște fumul nu flăcările unui incendiu Recunoașterea și semnalizarea incendiilor din gospodărie sau pentru alte aplicaţii din mediul rezidenţial Semnalizatorul nu trebuie acoperit cu vopsea sau substanţe similare La un interval de 6 luni îndepărtaţi praful eventual depus cu o pensulă sau cu o lavet...

Страница 21: ... în funcţiune 8 Verificarea funcţionării Montaţi semnalizatoarele de fum în mijlocul încăperii pe plafon Fumul se ridică sus la plafonul camerei și se extinde orizontal La montaj aveţi grijă ca semnalizatorul de fum să se afle la o distanţă de minimum 50 cm faţă de peretele lateral și 61 cm faţă de colţul încăperii vezi Nu montaţi semnalizatoarele de fum pe grinzile plafonului dacă acestea au o gr...

Страница 22: ... puteţi găsi la următoarea adresă de internet http iuqr de EIM 217 13 Date tehnice 14 Indicaţii privind eliminarea 15 Întrebări frecvente Cum trebuie acţionat Poziţionaţi semnalizatoare de fum în bucătării numai dacă este posibilă o distanţă minimă de 4 metri faţă de aragazuri și vetre deschise Particulele rezultate în urma arderii care se produc și în timpul gătitului pot activa o alarmă Curăţaţi...

Страница 23: ...dotto per Gefabriceerd voor Tillverkad för Wyprodukowano dla Vyrobeno pro Vyrobené pre INTER UNION Technohandel GmbH Klaus von Klitzing Straße 2 76829 Landau Germany www unitec elektro de Stand 09 2017 1772 CPR 170163 EN 14604 2005 AC 2008 1772 17 ...
