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T H E   S TA N DA R D   I N   P V   M O U N T I N G   S T RU C T U R E S

1411 Broadway NE, Albuquerque NM 87102-1545 USA • 505.242.6 411 • Fax 505.242.6 412




Saddle clamp

Upper bracket

Welded lower bracket



” Washers & Nuts



10 year limited Product Warranty

UniRac, Inc., warrants to the original purchaser 

(“Purchaser”) of product(s) that it manufactures 

(“Product”) at the original installation site that the 

Product shall be free from defects in material and 

workmanship for a period of ten (10) years, from the 

earlier of 1) the date the installation of the Product 

is completed, or 2) 30 days after the purchase of the 

Product by the original Purchaser. This Warranty does 

not cover damage to the Product that occurs during its 

shipment, storage, or installation.

This Warranty shall be VOID if installation of the 

Product is not performed in accordance with UniRac’s 

written installation instructions, or if the Product has 

been modifi ed, repaired, or reworked in a manner not 

previously authorized by UniRac IN WRITING, or if 

the Product is installed in an environment for which 

it was not designed. UniRac shall not be liable for 

consequential, contingent or incidental damages arising 

out of the use of the Product by the Purchaser under 

any circumstances.  

If within the specifi ed Warranty period the Product 

shall be reasonably proven to be defective, then UniRac 

shall repair or replace the defective Product, or any 

part thereof, in UniRac’s sole discretion. Such repair or 

replacement shall completely satisfy and discharge all of 

UniRac’s liability with respect to this limited Warranty. 

Under no circumstances shall UniRac be liable for 

special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of 

or related to use by Purchaser of the Product.

Manufacturers of related items, such as PV modules and 

fl ashings, may provide written warranties of their own. 

UniRac’s limited Warranty covers only its Product, and 

not any related items.

Mounting pole guidelines

The installer is solely responsible for use of the in for ma tion below. 
These are general guide lines for normal in stal la tions. The following 
variances can affect your installation:

•  The required diameter and depth of the hole are dependent 

on soil type, which varies by locale. An in stal la tion in loose, 
sandy soil or clay will require larger, deeper holes and, 
there fore, more concrete than an in stal la tion in soil of average 

•  The depth and width of the hole should also be increased in 

areas subject to winds in excess of 90 mph, particularly if the 
location of the mount ing pole is open and unprotected.

•  Poles taller than 6 feet above ground require that the depth of 

the hole be increased.

If in doubt, consult a professional civil engineer who is familiar with local 
soil conditions and wind load re quire ments.

  1.  Dig a hole 8 to 12 inches in diameter and 40 to 48 inches 

deep. Fill the bottom with 4 inches of gravel.

  2.  Stand the pipe in the hole. Brace the pole so that it is plumb. 

Pour con crete around the pipe, fi lling the hole to ground 
level.  Add an inch or two of extra concrete above the hole. 
Use a trowel to slope the concrete around the pole.

  3.  Allow the concrete to set up for at least 24 hours before 

installing your PoleSide™ rack.


Lay module face down on a suitable surface. Slide the ¼” hex bolts 
into the slot on the upper and lower brackets. Center the bolts in the 
slot at the same distance as the module mounting holes. Attach the 
brackets to the module taking into account the two bumps on the 
bracket. Loosely fasten the ¼” nuts to the bolts. Center the upper and 
lower brackets with respect to the module and tighten the nuts to 

Mount the rack and module to the pole with the u-bolts, clamps, 5⁄16” 

washers and nuts. 

Ensure the panel is facing south and then tighten the 5⁄16”  nuts to 30 


Upper bracket


Welded Lower bracket




Please be advised that rack numbers (401260,401264, 
401274, 401276 and 401278) are 45˚ mounts and should 
be mounted on the pole with the two bumps on the rails 
facing up and rack numbers (401262, 401266, 401275, 
401272 and 401279) are 60˚ mounts and should be 
mounted with the two bumps on the rails facing down. 
