Be sure this document is included in all gas range appliances sold to consumers in the
State of Massachusetts.
NOTICE: Massachusetts law requires the following:
• Appliances must be installed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter.
• Appliances must be connected with a three (3) foot (36” maximum length) flexible
gas connector and
• A “T” handle type manual gas valve in the gas supply line to the appliance.
Have the dealer where you purchase your new range install it or have him recommend
a qualified installer. Installation must conform with local codes. In the absence of local
codes, the installation must conform with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1-
Latest Edition in the U.S.A. or the CAN/CGA B149.1 or .2 Installation Codes in Canada.
The range should be connected to the supply line with ½” black iron pipe or a
certified flexible type range connector. To prevent gas leaks, put an approved
sealing compound, which is resistant to liquefied petroleum gases, on all threaded
Important: Do not apply pressure directly to the range manifold pipe when tightening
supply connections. The manifold pipe should be held securely at the pressure
regulator to prevent twisting. Hold the pressure regulator with a wrench during the
tightening of the connection, or the manifold pipe may be twisted and split, and cause
a dangerous leak.
The installation of ranges designed for manufactured (mobile) home installation must
conform with the Manufactured Construction and Safety, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280,
[formerly the Federal standard for Mobile Home Construction and Safety, Title 24,
HUD (Part 280)] in the U.S.A. or C.S.A. Standard CAN/CGA Z240.4.2 in Canada or,
when such standards are not applicable with local codes.
The installation of ranges designed for recreational vehicle installation must conform
to state or other codes and in the absence of such codes with the standard for
recreational vehicles ANSI A119.2.2–1982 in the U.S.A. or CAN/CGA Z240.4.2 in
Canada. The installation of appliances designed for recreational park trailers must
conform to recreational park trailers, ANSI A119.5.
Note: Check all piping connections in the unit for leaks. Never use an open flame to
check for gas leaks. Use a soap solution with a recommended ratio of 75% water and
25% dish washing soap. It’s possible for connections made at the factory to leak, due
to vibration encountered in transportation. Make certain you have checked them all,
and repair any connections that leak.