6-3. Near Zero
By this function, it is detected that the indicated value is near zero.
Near-zero ON: indicated value <=near zero set value
Near-zero OFF: indicated value > near zero set value
Setting range: 00000 - 99999
How to set
6-4. HI-LO Limit Comparison Mode
Set the operating condition of HI-LO limit comparison. Select the condition from the
HI-LO limit comparison is performed continuously.
HI-LO limit comparison is performed when the indicated value
is stable. Set the stability parameters by the stability operation.
HI-LO limit comparison is performed when the indicated value
is not near zero.
Set the near zero parameters by the near zero operation.
HI-LO limit comparison is performed when the indicated value
is stable and not near zero.
How to set
Turning on/off the near zero function is closely related to the auto print
function and HI-LO limit comparison.
For details, see the sections on HI-LO Limit Comparison Mode page 41
Setting call
Page 2
Comparison setting
Setting call
Page 2
Comparison setting