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For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.
Item 62983
Set-up and Operation
Set up and test Safe before Installation.
Open Safe with Key
Do not store Keys inside Safe. Opening with
Key may be necessary when replacing batteries or if
Entry Code is forgotten.
Store Keys in secure place outside of Safe.
1. Remove Keyhole Cover.
2. Insert Key and turn counterclockwise.
3. Turn Knob clockwise and open Door.
4. Remove Key and replace Keyhole Cover.
Install/Replace Batteries
1. Remove Battery Cover.
2. Install batteries (sold separately). Do not mix
old and new batteries. Do not mix alkaline,
standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-
cadmium) batteries. Position batteries in proper
polarity. Do not use swollen or leaking batteries.
3. Replace Battery Cover.
Leave door open until Entry Code is set.
Red light will illuminate when batteries
need to be replaced. Dispose of used
batteries according to local regulations.
Set/Reset Master and User Entry Codes
Note: Leave door open while setting Entry
Codes. Write down Entry Codes and
store in secure place outside of safe.
Set/Reset Master Code:
a. Press 00 on Keypad, then press and
hold Entry Code Button until Safe
beeps and Yellow light illuminates.
b. Within 15 seconds, enter an Entry Code up to
8 digits on Keypad, followed by either A or B.
• Code has been accepted when Safe beeps.
• Code has not been accepted if Yellow
light turns off without beeping.
Set/Reset User Code:
a. Press and hold Entry Code Button until
Safe beeps and Yellow light illuminates.
b. Within 15 seconds, enter an Entry Code up to
8 digits on Keypad, followed by either A or B.
• Code has been accepted when Safe beeps.
• Code has not been accepted if Yellow
light turns off without beeping.
Lock Safe
Keep closed and locked whenever unattended.
Check inside before closing.
Do not allow children to play with or near safe.
Keep keys and codes away from children.
Close Door then turn Knob counterclockwise.
Open Safe with Entry Code
1. Enter Entry Code (Master or User). Safe will
beep twice and Green light will illuminate.
2. Turn Knob clockwise and open Door.
Safe will automatically lock if not opened
within a few seconds of accepting Entry Code.
Keypad will disable for 20 seconds if Entry Code
is entered incorrectly. Keypad will disable for 5 minutes
if Entry Code is entered incorrectly three times in a row.