5.5 Adjusting Transmission Power
The transmission power can be changed to High-Power or Low-Power. If pressing the MENU
(SCAN) key during pressing the PTT Key, the red LED (High-Power) is turned on and if
pressing the MON key, the yellow LED (Low-Power) is turned on. By changing the power to
Low power under a good communication condition, the user can extend the use time of
5.6 Operation of Scan Function
By pressing the "Menu (Scan)" button for more than 2 seconds in Standby mode, the Scan
function is executed with a “beep” sound. To deactivate the Scan function, press the
"Menu (Scan)" button once shortly or turn off and on the power.
1) Normal Scan
When the scan list is S1, S2, S3 at the normal scan mode, the Radio proceeds the channel
scan in the sequence of S1, S2, S3, S1, S2, S3.... The user can delete (by pressing the EMR
key) the current receiving channel temporarily from the scan list and at that time, user can
move to the next channel. If getting out of Scan Mode or if turning on power again, the list
deleted temporarily is returned back to the original.
2) Priority Scan
If the Priority Scan Channel is set up, the Radio proceeds the channel scan in the sequence of
P, S1, P, S2, P, S3.... During receiving signal through common channel, the Radio scans the
priority channel periodically and if the Radio detects the priority channel, it starts receiving the
priority channel. The user can delete (by pressing the EMR key) the current receiving channel
temporarily from the scan list and at that time, user can move to the next channel. However,
the priority channel will not be deleted..
When transmitting during scan operation, the Radio makes transmission through the channel
which is set up by Pc-Programmer.
-. Home : Transmit through the channel which is set up.
-. Last Receive : Transmit through the latest channel which is finally received.
-. Current Scan : Transmit through the channel which is scanning.
-. The operation is not possible in Dual PTT Mode.
5.7 VOX Function
The VOX function is set up by Pc-Programmer and without pressing the PTT key,
the voice signal is transmitted through microphone.