Open Source Software
used in the product
The product contains, among other things, embedded Open Source
Software, licensed under an Open Source Software License and de-
veloped by third parties. These embedded Open Source Software
files are protected by copyright. Your rights to use the Open Source
Software beyond the mere execution of Unify Software and Solu-
tions GmbH & Co. KG program, is governed by the relevant Open
Source Software license conditions.
Your compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to
use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license.
In the event of conflicts between Unify Software and Solutions
GmbH & Co. KG license conditions and the Open Source Software
license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall pre-
vail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the soft-
License conditions can be found in internet at:
If programs contained in this product are licensed under GNU Ge-
neral Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LG-
PL), you can download the source code and the copyright notices of
the relevant software from the internet at:
Warranty regarding further use of the
Open Source Software
Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co. KG provides no warran-
ty for the Open Source Software programs contained in this device,
if such programs are used in any manner other than the program
execution intended by Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co.
The licenses listed above define the warranty, if any, from the au-
thors or licensors of the Open Source Software. Unify Software and
Solutions GmbH & Co. KG specifically disclaims any warranties for
defects caused by altering any Open Source Software program or
the product´s configuration.
You have no warranty claims against Unify Software and Solutions
GmbH & Co. KG in the event that the Open Source Software infrin-
ges the intellectual property rights of a third party.
Technical support, if any, will only be provided for unmodified
WL2S-KBA-new.book Page 27 Monday, April 6, 2020 9:19 AM