Set Decoding Mode
The decoding mode reflects the current capabilities of the
decoder. The decoder represented above supports three
decoding modes: 16 channels 720x576, 9 channels 1280x960
and 4 channels 2048x1536.
Note: The second number represents the maximum resolution of decoding, e.g. for
the 9 channel mode, the maximum resolution of decoding is 1280x960.
Normally, decoding should be set to the resolution of the
front-end IPC camera, but the preview will not exceed the
resolution restriction you set in the decoding mode.
7.2 Decoding on the Wall
Once the scheme is selected, select a channel from the device
list on the left side of the screen. Drag the relevant decoder
to the corresponding decoding screen to complete setting up
the wall.
Note: The screen set as roll screen won’t allow you to drag on a channel manually,
it can only be assigned roll groups.