BC346XT Specs - UnidenManual
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NWR-SAME System (Warning / Watch / Advisory)
Supported trunking systems
MotorolaSystems: Type I, II, II/I (hybrid)
EDACS Systems: FM, NFM, and SCAT
LTR Systems
Dynamic memory allocation capacity
Systems: 500 max
Groups: 20 per system
Site: 1000 max (All) 256 per system
Channels: 9000 max (20064 memory blocks)
Channels per Trunked System: 500 max
Heterodyne System
1st IF: 380.7 to 380.8 MHz
2nd IF: 10.8 MHz
3rd IF: 450 kHz
CTCSS and DCS Tones
CTCSS Tone Frequencies (50 frequencies total)