Setting the .ini file in Autoprovisioning Server
Users use the value of two Entry after modifying according to each condition. Make sure that sever IP
will be root directory of autoprovisioning server.
e1_Common .ini( Configuration Entry)
Entry: example/explanation
Language: 1 / select language min : 0, max : 65535 Eng:1
Admin_Password = 000000 / min:5 digits , max :7 digits
Country_Tone_Type = 44 / min: 1, max: 999
Tone table:
U.S 1 South Africa 27 Greece 30 Netherlands 31
Belgium 32 Spain 34 Italy 39 Switzerland 41 Austria 43
United Kingdom 44 Denmark 45 Sweden 46 Germany 49
Brasil 55 Japan 81 Korea 82 China 86 Hong Kong 852
Use_RTCP = 1/ min:0 (disable), max : 1 (enable)
RTP_Port_Min = 9000 / min:1024 , max :65535
RTP_Port_Max = 9020 / min:1024 , max :65535
RTCP_Report_Interval = 5000 / min:0 , max :65535: sending RTCP term
RTCP_CNAME = WPU-7700 / min:0 char, max :24 chars
Last_RTP_Received_Timeout = 0 / min:0 , max :65535, 0 : disable, 30 : default, 0 ~ 65535 (sec)
ntp_refresh_interval = 7200 / min : 60, max : 3153600: get information interval from NTP server(sec)
ntp_server1 =
/ min 0, max: min : 0, max : 50 chars
ntp_server2 = "" / min 0, max: min : 0, max : 50 chars
local_port: 5060 / min:5000, max:40000, SIP default port