UM220-IV N EVK Quick Guide
Figure 4-3 Contents of the config.ini File
Table 4-1 Description of the config.ini File
SingleFileSize = 512000000
The size of a single file.
If the file size exceeds the specified number, a new file will
be created. (Hexadecimal format is not supported; please
convert the size to a decimal number.)
StartRecordStyle = new
The recording style after starting up (new or append):
Append = log data in the existing file;
New = log data in a new file
WorkBaudrate = 115200
The working baud rate of UM220-IV N module
LogFileName = log
The name of the log file
update = 0
1 = Upgrade the firmware;
0 = Do not upgrade the firmware
Data Storage Instructions
Step 1: Insert the SD card into the PC, and copy the zipped folder “UM220-IV-
N_EVK_Suite_V2.0_sdcard” to the card.
Step 2: Unzip the folder and open the “config.ini” file, then set the “update” value to 0,
set the “WorkBaudrate” the same as that of the UM220-IV N module and set other
parameters as needed (see Table 4-1 for more information).